"Have A Heart" 5K for Camp Without Borders!
Tax deductible
Thanks for supporting NOC Society's "Have A Heart" virtual 5k! This fundraiser supports our program Camp Without Borders which is a FREE and INCLUSIVE travel program for young adults with medical illnesses and disabilities, throughout Washington State. This year has been isolating for everyone, but in particular for individuals with disabilities. Together, we can help combat social isolation, create accessible travel opportunities and provide a platform for ongoing friendships for young adults with medical illnesses and disabilities!
To view the descriptions of our 2021 trips (which this fundraiser supports) please check out https://www.nocsociety.com/campwithoutborders Thank you!
-NOC Society

To view the descriptions of our 2021 trips (which this fundraiser supports) please check out https://www.nocsociety.com/campwithoutborders Thank you!
-NOC Society

NOC Society
Seattle, WA
Needs Of The Community Society