Have you Ever had a Heart Attack?
My name is Peter Walker, 59, vegan, don’t smoke, don’t drink and am a happily married British guy living in Germany.
I was in an underground cave (Mendig, Germany) climbing back to the surface when I started gasping for breath. I was having a heart attack and did not realize, I thought I was just unfit! This video shows the whole event as a warning as to how fast this can happen.
I have had a bad financial year (like most people) and had been working almost 24/7 for months: No sport, junk food, lots of stress.
I was admitted to hospital the same day where they diagnosed a 95% blockage in my main artery that I had no idea I had. I could have died.
I now need to invest in my recovery. Medical bills, a smartwatch that measures my heart health, special super-foods that clean out my arteries, physical training and so many other health related costs to fully recover.
Unfortunately, I just don't have the money and have debts to pay off. The good news is that after months of preparations, my new business projects are in the process of starting and I should soon be able to pay my way again, but I need help now.
If this video has touched you, please donate to help me through these difficult times, even small amounts will help.
I need funds now to be able to order important food-supplements that will clean out my arteries and a smartwatch that will monitor my heart health and the much needed sports to build up the strength in my heart.
Another way you could help is to simply buy something on https://gadgetheaven.net as that is a new business of mine.
Or even just share this campaign with others, as a wake-up call that a heart-attack can happen without warning, as seen in the video.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart.