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Katie’s medical fund

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Hi everyone,

I need your help.

Since being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in September 2015 I’ve accumulated $40,000 in medical debt. On Thursday I found out that my cancer has spread again and I need additional treatment. The options my oncologist offered have to many side effects which will greatly reduce my quality of life and, when I was on the same medication before the cancer continued to grow, so I’m looking at alternative treatments which won’t be covered by insurance. I’ve been supporting myself financially throughout this process, but I’m not able to work full time so I can’t pay for additional treatment on my own.

I switched to a whole food plant based diet and supplements after the cancer regrew and spread in August 2016 and it kept things stable until now so I know alternative treatments make a difference, but I need to step things up. If you are able to make a donation to help cover my treatment costs, I would really appreciate it. Every dollar makes a difference.

Thank you so much,
Katie ❤️


  • Marilyn Rathfelder
    • $200
    • 6 yrs


Katie Goode
Mission Viejo, CA

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