Haylee Jade’s journey
Donation protected
My name is Ashleigh, mother of four. Jaxon 4, Jordan 3, Hannah and Haylee 14 weeks.
Haylee Jade is our youngest 14 week old identical twin daughter.
Our girls were born on the 29.07.2022. At just 16 days old and a tiny 2.2 kgs, I woke our daughters up for a feed. I went to feed Haylee and she was cold to touch, very sleepy and refused her bottle for a second time. Trusting our gut feeling we called an ambulance, while on the phone to 000 Haylee starting slipping in and out of consciousness. Once we arrived at Hervey Bay Hospital, Haylee’s breathing became erratic, she was hypoglycaemic and suffering hypothermia so much so doctors tried 7 thermometers to test for temperature.
At midnight, our daughter ‘crashed’ and after several failed attempts they finally got her intubated on a ventilator.
Once stable Haylee was flown to the Queensland Childrens Hospital, Brisbane with my partner while I stayed home to look after our children.
Two days later, I had to relive the same events with our other twin daughter Hannah who presented at ED with the same symptoms. Knowing what happened with Haylee, doctors acted quickly and Hannah was also flown to Brisbane. Both of our twins were diagnosed with sepsis and meningitis.
After a few weeks and failed attempts to remove Haylee’s breathing tube, doctors informed us that Haylee had suffered a stroke upon admission and had an hypoxic brain injury.
Unfortunately, Haylee’s stroke caused damage to her brain stem in two vital areas. The part of the brain stem that tells you to breathe and the part of the brain stem that controls heart rate. Due to this Haylee has daily bradycardia and apnoea episodes which require assistance or Resuscitation.
Haylee is currently still in ICU, she relies on the ventilator to live (and nurses) and about to have a tracheotomy. We really have no idea how much time we have with Haylee and would like to make as many memories as possible for us as parents, for her siblings and identical twin sister to look back on.
We will be getting married in ICU as a family on the 22.11.22, we will also be pushing a Christmas together in ICU as well. We would also love hand and feet castings of our baby girl.
Unfortunately I have exhausted all savings, taken loans to be able to travel from Maryborough to Brisbane and back each week. Trying to keep normality for our boys, one who is diagnosed with a rare condition caused septo optic dysplasia and autism.
We are creating this fundraiser to help raise funds to continue Haylee’s Journey. Travel expenses, memories and possibly funeral experiences.
In return, when possible we will be making a donation to the children’s Hospital and/or brain research in Haylee’s honour ❤️
As a family, this year has been absolutely horrible. Multiple floods, emergency surgery at 16 weeks pregnant due to my appendix bursting, the passing of my mother in law at our house less then 24 hours of arriving on holidays and to see our beautiful twins born then this….
We as a family appreciate any donation big or small, we would be forever grateful.
Much love,
The Camm Family xx
Ashleigh Ferguson
Mount Urah, QLD