Help Tony buy t-shirts for our community champions
Donation protected
- Come-Together.Us is a visual initiative started in Freshwater/Curl Curl 2 years ago by Tony Stewart. We are non profit community based group committed to bringing the community together to help others in need. Tony and his friend Tim have personally funded the cost of the t-shirts to help our community identify and connect and are building a website so that they can offer a platform for the community to communicate, engage and nominate community champions, as well as offer a port of call for those that need support. Our aim is to print more t-shirts and have the website up and running so we can start having 'Come-Together' events. These events will be in celebration of our community champions who are positive influencers in our local community. We would like to hold the first event at the Sth Curl Curl Surf Club and so far we have 140 'hello' champion members so it would be ideal to invite them to a free event. We will have some of our community champions speaking at the event and share their personal journeys. We have developed a fund raising schedule which includes: printing flyers; nomination leaflets; social media; producing videos to run in venues; admin costs.
Tony Stewart
Freshwater, NSW