Reyna’s Funeral Expenses
Hello everyone, it’s Yesenia. It breaks my heart to even type this but my mother’s long and strenuous journey battling stage 4 Glioblastoma cancer has ended today. I would like to begin by thanking each of you for the generous donations to my mommy’s page in the past, you have helped far beyond what you’re aware. Your hard earned money has helped our family pay for the removal of most of my mothers’ glioblastoma tumor. Unfortunately, the surgery came along with treatments that weakened her beyond what I’ve ever seen. As successful as the surgery was at removing most of the tumor, it still left some lesions that were at a delicate location of the brain. The lesions that were left were growing, causing my mother multiple complications and lastly, causing her to pass away. My mom fought hard and the treatments and prayers helped her stay strong until the end. I ask that if you have spare change to help me and my family cover funeral expenses now that my mother is at peace and no longer suffering. If you’d like to pray for my mother and family I thank you even more, for using your faith and time to ask a Higher being to help us. Thank you to family, friends and those who took the time to pray and help us through this journey. We are forever grateful. It means the world to me and I know it means the world to her too.
Thank you again for your time, God Bless you all.
Hola me llamo Yesenia Rodriguez. Mi madre fue diagnosticada con glioblastoma en etapa 4, un tumor en el cerebro. Su batalla de aproximadamente un ano ha terminado hoy. En unas de las etapas mas difíciles de nuestras vidas me gustaría comenzar agradeciendo a cada uno de ustedes por las generosas donaciones a la página de mi mamá. Desafortunadamente, la cirugía vino con tratamientos que la debilitaron mas cada día. La cirugía que tuvo para remover el tumor no lo quito todo y esos pedazos fueron creciendo, causando complicaciones y finalmente mi madre falleció. Luchó mucho y los tratamientos y las oraciones le ayudaron a mantenerse fuerte hasta el final. Se que muchos ayudaron a pagar los tratamientos y cirugía, y por eso les agradesco todo lo que han hecho por nosotros. Les pido que si pueden, sigan orando que mi mami siga descansando en paz. Estamos por siempre agradecidos. Significa el mundo para mí y sé que también significa el mundo para ella.
Gracias de nuevo por su tiempo, Dios los bendiga a todos.