Help Support the HCP Band!
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Harding Charter Prep High School is located in the historic heart of Oklahoma City. Students come from all over the city, and from all kinds of backgrounds, to take part in its mission -- to prepare every student for a four-year university experience.
Our band program has the same goal -- provide a quality music education that prepares students for participation in a college program. But this preparation comes at a cost, and music and supplies add up quickly, both for the individual students and the program. Programs of any kind at HCP receive no district funding -- every dollar for every program is earned through fundraising or donations.
Although our students are rich in passion and a love for music, they often come from financially disadvantaged homes. This is where you come in: Your donation, no matter how small, can make a huge difference in the life of an HCP band student.
Director of Bands
Harding Charter Prep HS
Our band program has the same goal -- provide a quality music education that prepares students for participation in a college program. But this preparation comes at a cost, and music and supplies add up quickly, both for the individual students and the program. Programs of any kind at HCP receive no district funding -- every dollar for every program is earned through fundraising or donations.
Although our students are rich in passion and a love for music, they often come from financially disadvantaged homes. This is where you come in: Your donation, no matter how small, can make a huge difference in the life of an HCP band student.
Director of Bands
Harding Charter Prep HS
Kelli Robbins Taylor
Oklahoma City, OK
Harding Independence Charter District Inc (INDEPENDENCE CHARTER MIDDLE SCHOOL)