Head Shaving - GNE
At 2 months old Liláh was rushed into Hospital with Sepsis, unfortunately her prognosis was not good and her parents were told to expect the worst.
She was cared for by the amazing staff at Treetops within UHND. After many weeks in Hospital they had Liláh back to a smiling baby again, however she will need ongoing care from Treetops as she has been found to have only one working kidney & has recurring kidney infections, putting her at high risk of repeated sepsis.
She has been in with another infection during Covid-19 and the staff were, as always, second to none! They went above & beyond, especially during these difficult times to care for not only Liláh but to ensure Mum had all she needed due to the current no visitor policy!
As a thank you we want to raise money for the staff to use as they need on Treetops.
Liláhs Mum is an employee of Go North East. Manager Malcolm Davis and 2 colleagues Julie Ede (Liláh’s Godmother) and Marco Montanarini have put themselves forward to have their hair shaven off, to help this fundraiser.
We would greatly appreciate any donations towards this great cause, that is also running along side Go North East’s ongoing donations to the NHS during Covid-19.
The hair shaving takes place on Friday 01.05.20.
Many Thanks