For those that don’t know me, my name is Allison. I am the owner and solo stylist at Headbangers Hair Salon. I am setting up this fundraiser because I’m a new hair salon and I don’t qualify for ANY government support programs as I opened this year. Hairstyling is my life and passion and I always wanted to open a Salon, I've invested all my life savings and a lot of hard work to creating/ building a Rock N Roll hair salon that is my own. I love my shop, my clients and community, I have to thank everyone for their on going support, however due to recent extended closures I just don’t see how I can keep my doors open and survive this, as mentioned I’m not receiving government support or any sort of rent relief from the landlord, this all just breaks my heart. I would hate to lose everything I've worked for . This is out of my character to ask for donations, but I just don’t see that I have any other option at this point, I’d really appreciate your support to help me get through this difficult time , hoping to raise $10,000 to cover rent and expenses, so I can keep doing what I love and keep my doors open. Thank You