Heal in Icaria, Greece
Donation protected
I've never done this before. My name is Kara, and I'm thirty-three years old. I have had a tough life filled with abuse, and have long suffered from mental illness. In 2020, someone online began a hate campaign against me because I wanted to take a break from my art that I shared with people for my mental health. Long story short, I experienced horrendous cyberbullying for two years that included stalking, defamation, and doxxing by a literal army of hundreds of people I don't even know. In September of 2022, I tried to end my life, traumatizing my husband in the process. I had to be put in a mental hospital. I have not been able to cope with the trauma. I already had multiple forms of PTSD, Bipolar type two, social anxiety, and possibly undiagnosed Autism (we can't figure out where to get me tested because I'm an adult). After my release, I developed pleurisy, but I haven't had a flare up for a long time. That November, I got Covid despite being fully vaccinated. It messed up my sinuses, but doctors can't figure out the problem, not even with a CT scan. During the cyberbullying incident, my binge eating got out of control and I gained fifty pounds, bringing me to two hundred. After tests, doctors discovered that I had high cholesterol and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs). My sinus problem has caused me constant pain for two years. I've experienced migraines for twenty years, but am just now being treated because no one ever took my complaints of headaches everyday seriously, but the sinus problem causes more migraines, so nothing is working so far. I managed to change my diet and lose twenty pounds in a year, lower my cholesterol, and my liver enzymes are lowering, but I have insulin resistance and hyperglycemia, making me at risk for prediabetes and diabetes type two. When I was fourteen, I injured my ankle, and I never got it looked at by the right people. Now it hurts so much, I have to walk with a cane, but no injury shows up on X-rays or scans. For the last three months, I was having a heavy menstrual cycle that made me lose so much blood, I was dehydrated and drained of energy. None of my many doctors can find the cause. It finally stopped a week or two ago, but I'm scared of it starting again. I have some intestinal issues doctors can't figure out either, not even with a colonoscopy. I have so many physical health problems that are making doctors scratch their heads, and I am in pain every day. I can't even exercise because it exacerbates the pain. And because of my social anxiety, I can't leave the house, I am alone all the time and am suffering from isolation. I have no motivation to do anything. Even watching TV is like a punishment. My depression is getting bad, and it was already bad. I am suicidal again, but I'm trying so hard to be okay, but I'm not getting the help I need. I have a brain MRI next week that we're hoping answers some questions . My husband works two jobs. I haven't been able to figure out how to apply for disability, but I'm in a red state, so they might not even approve me. I haven't been able to work in ten years. My quality of life is so poor, it's driving me insane.
That was a lot. I'm overwhelmed. I learned about Icaria island in Greece from a show on Netflix, and how healthy everyone is there. They are some of the longest living people on earth, and there are therapeutic waters that have healing properties. I've never been interested in going to Greece until now. I want to go with my grandmother, who I haven't seen in awhile, and she's not getting any younger. She adopted and raised me after custody of me was taken from my abusive mother. We would have to go to Athens first because that's how you get to Icaria island. I think this trip would be beneficial to me for my physical and mental health. I don't usually take vacations, I've only been out of the country once, and it was Tijuana, and that didn't even require a passport. This isn't something I do because I can't afford it, but this place might be the answer, this place could possibly heal some of my ailments, and I could get advice from people on how to be healthy. My husband wouldn't be going, he has to work and stay with the cat.
I know ten thousand is a lot, but I want to pay for my grandma's part of the trip if I can. I don't have very high hopes that asking for donations will work, but I am so sick of being sick. I am in so much pain. I can't work on my mental health if my physical health is making it worse, and the worse I am mentally, the more my husband suffers, and the longer I have to keep myself from talking to people for fear I'll take them down with me. Please help me . This also might be the last cool thing I'll get to do with my grandmother. It might be the only cool thing I do for the rest of my life. I wanted to go to Japan some day, but Japan doesn't have what I need to heal and might also be hard on my social anxiety because of the number of people. I really want this. I need this. I want my health back. I want my life back.
Edit: my grandmother fears she may be too old to make this trip, but I want to continue to raise the money in case I can go with someone else. I thought I had more time with her, but if she's not in good condition, I don't want to make it worse.
Kara Reynolds
Boise, ID