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Health & Home

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Hello, my name is Martin & I live with my wife of 35yrs Allison. Allison is & has
been my carer for close to 20yrs, ever since I damaged my spine in an accident. Not long ago I caught pneumonia which developed into C.O.P.D (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) & emphysema. While this was being diagnosed Allison had to go into surgery for a liver section & bile duct removal. While we were dealing with this our landlords raised the rent, I missed the letters (in & out of hospital) because I was trying to help my wife get well. We ended up with rent arrears & are facing eviction. I just need help with back rent so we can move to a small home & my wife can get well.

Spenden (4)

  • Chris Saunders
    • 50 £
    • 3 T
  • Stafford Rowley
    • 25 £
    • 3 T
  • Nicky Pretious
    • 25 £
    • 3 T
  • Fiona Thomas
    • 25 £
    • 4 T
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