Heartland Academy: A School For the Future
Heartland Academy Denver: Creating a community where each person can find a calling that will change the world.
Official Video HERE
We would like to invite you to read our story, take a look at this amazing endeavor, and contribute to it!
We are finally bringing Acton Academy to Denver!
What is Acton?
● Acton is an education model which is revolutionizing the world
● It turns learning upside down by creating a learner-driven environment
● This was all started over a decade ago by a couple in their home
● It has since spread to countries all over the world
● The reason it is so attractive is the results that it produces
● Children who graduate from Acton are more capable, more self-reliant, creative, and industrious
We have already completed:
● The Acton Academy application and beat 11,000 candidates to become one of the 100 accepted to open a school
● the 6-month training
● a successful pilot program
● locked in a location (a perfect venue at the Colorado Family Church, right next to one of the best public parks in Denver)
● registered 16 out of 30 children
● recruited 3 guides (the role of a 'teacher' in the Acton model) and volunteers to deliver the program
Now we need your help to raise the startup funds required to make Acton Academy a reality in our community in August.