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Help HEATED build an independent climate newsroom.

Donation protected
HEATED is a climate change newsletter that did not come to play.

For nearly three years, we've been exposing oil company lies, dissecting corporate climate bullshit, and challenging the way mainstream climate journalism is done.

We've started national conversations about fossil fuel advertising. We've introduced thousands to new terms like "petromasculinity" and "climate Chads." We've had our work praised by massive journalistic outlets: The New York Times, The Guardian, Vanity Fair, Neiman Labs. We went on CNN and demanded journalists do better.

We've done this all with only one employee.

Think of what we could do with a team.

HEATED needs your help to grow from a climate newsletter to a climate newsroom. In the next month, we want to hire a reporter to double the capacity and impact of our reporting. Over the next few years, we want to hire an administrative assistant, a copy editor, a marketing person, and more reporters.

We want to build an empire. But we are a completely reader-funded operation, meaning we can't do this without your support. We don't take ads, and we don't take grants; we try to stay as independent as possible. We believe journalism belongs to the people, and we want you to have stock in this newsroom.

The person we'll be hiring over the next month is an enterprise reporter: someone to eventually become a major voice of HEATED. The enterprise reporter will not be simply reporting on events. They will use reporting tools to reveal and explain the forces behind events. You can learn more about the position here.

This fundraiser won't be the primary source of funding for the reporter's salary. Reader subscriptions are and will remain the primary funding source for HEATED. However, reader subscriptions have been paused for the last four months while the editor-in-chief (that's me!) took a break to heal from burnout. This fundraiser exists to get cash flow to make up for the months away. It also allows people who are already paying subscribers to contribute more to HEATED, should they wish.

This fundraiser isn't just for the reporter position. It's to help get HEATED started on its reporting empire. The more people donate, the more we'll be able to do.

If you support this mission but cannot contribute to this fundraiser, you can help by spreading the word. Tell your rich uncle to give us some money! He's the one ruining the planet anyway!

Whatever you choose to do, thank you so much for reading through. Fish and I appreciate it so much.

Yours in hydration,



  • Mike Jones
    • $24
    • 1 yr
  • Anonymous
    • $25
    • 1 yr
  • Catherine Oliver
    • $50
    • 1 yr
  • Anonymous
    • $25
    • 1 yr
  • Anonymous
    • $25
    • 1 yr


Emily Atkin
Santa Monica, CA

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