Help me fulfil my life journey in Africa
Karibu (means welcome) loved ones
In February I decided to travel to Zanzibar/Tanzania amid the pandemic, to celebrate my birthday it wasn't a light decision to make but my tradition for many years to be out of the uk for my birthday.
My freedom my sanity my wellbeing all elemens to drive my decision.Who would of known this new exciting mind blowing journey would be my new life.Zanzibar has choosen me and i have choosen Zanzibar. Africa has always been calling me.......today i answer the call.
My free spirited nature is allowing me to continue being here the adventures are many my determination is high my creativity is blooming and all wrapped up in a deep beautiful culture and history.
I alway knew one day I would live in Africa but I never knew the opportunity would be achievable so soon. I left the UK to go on a holiday to celebrate my Earth-day (Birthday) and have decided to turn my holiday into a new life.
I am trying to lay down some foundations here in Zanzibar/Tanzania but having to start from scratch with just my 3 suitcases of belongings its going to be difficult but I am a survivor I will make it happen with my determination. In life opportunities are presented to you once and you have to take them or let them pass you by. I don’t believe in regrets. I took this opportunity with both hands and living my new life, but I realise unlike most I didn’t have any fixed asset or investment I could sell to give me a start or step up. I am having to start from scratch.
This is the reason why I am asking for your support. To help me start a fresh and create a place where you as my family, friends my loved ones can come and enjoy the beauty of Africa in Zanzibar and have a guide. I ask for your support to help transport some of my possessions and to start building my future plans , by getting my papers in place to stay here in Africa and building a home and a business.
I decided that the UK was no longer for me. I broke away to follow my dreams. Now I’m living that dream. I thank you for reading my story and appreciate all contributions.
Asante sana (means thankyou very much)
With love and gratitude Femi