Help a disabled Texan get a service dog.
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Howdy! My name is Brandon Burkhart. Never done this before (Go Fund Me), but here does nothing.
Like the title says, I am disabled, it’s a long story but the short version is I had chronic asthma as a child, even turned blue several times. Back in the day they gave prednisone like it was candy. Problem is, this causes degeneration of the bones. By age 20 I had both hips replaced due to this issue. Between that first surgery & today I have had over 35 surgeries, my back is completely fuzed seven levels, then brackets in my neck & jaw. Basically I’m more metal than bone at age 46. I finally gave in & was pronounced disabled at age 36.
Because I have so many medical problems I purchased 2 pups in 2015 and started them into obedience classes, then service dog training. This was was my first service dog, I knew I didn’t have $25,000-$35,000 to buy a trained service dog, I also knew there were no guarantees my dog was pass, that’s why I put 2 through training for $10,000 each. That’s when Kong (the male, 183lbs, Black Lab & Rottweiler mix) emerged as my main service dog. Smartest dog I ever had. We worked together for 9 years before he passed of old age. Kong’s passing was hard dealing with, I couldn’t bring myself to get a new dog, even though I medically needed one. Finally I was tired of limiting myself from activities because I had no service dog, so I started saving (which isn’t easy when you are disabled) then searching for a new pup.
Because I’m considered a big guy, 6ft4in 252lbs, I need a large breed dog so he can support my weight helping me up and down on the floor or chairs. I found that pup in San Angelo, a Cane Corso (Italian mastiff). I named the little guy Rip after the character from Yellowstone. Rip was a blessing, and he was smart as well. We got him evaluated for service dog training, started obedience classes, and he breezed through 3 classes & was ready to start service dog training at 7 months old. We started service dog training, 1 week in & Klohi (Kong’s sister) passed away from old age. This was tough just like Kong, but we expected it. 6 days after Klohi passed, Rip passed overnight. Rip was a pure breed Cane Corso, healthy as a horse, he had many test mock ups at the vet just to ensure my investment on training will pay off, nothing wrong with him. Rip hung out in the yard with me the day of his death, he ate normal that morning & night, he sleeps 5ft from me & didn’t make a sound when he passed. I just don’t understand it. I woke the next morning and he was dead. The video above shows you some of the only memories I have of him. I miss him.
I took Rip to get a autopsy done because I have to know the reason why he passed. I have checked every security camera, which covers every inch of my property, no signs of being poisoned by another human or bite by a snake. There are no plants in my yard, just St Augustine grass & 3 oak trees. So he didn’t eat a poison plant. I hope to get answers this week from the vet once the autopsy is done.
So I told you all of this because I’m in need of getting a new service dog, but I don’t have the funds. I just payed $700 for Klohi’s meds & vet visit, 1 week later I paid $800 to cremate Klohi, $650 for Rips autopsy, $250 to cremate Rip, $500 Rip training. Luckily the service dog instructor is willing to let me move the cash I paid for Rip’s SD training to a new pup.
I have never asked for anything, but I’m in a bind. I paid for Rip & his toys, treats, training by skipping breakfast & lunch everyday for over a year. Although I started this again, I don’t have a year to get a pup because that means I will be waiting another 3 years before my service dog is fully trained & abled to handle the task I ask of him. (Example: I can’t put pressure on a pup to stand up, I can’t train him to support my weight till he is full grown aka 2years old.) Not to mention I will be having my hip replaced again (right) within the year. So time is not on my side.
If my story resonates with you, please consider donating a few bucks. I’m willing to answer questions if you have any. I will be posting the results of Rip’s autopsy as soon as I get it. Thank you ahead of time for your donation. God bless.
Brandon Burkhart
New Braunfels, TX