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Please help a disabled veteran who lost everything

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Thank you for reading my page. If you’re local to Brooklyn you’ll have heard of a stage 5 fire that destroyed four buildings in East Williamsburg two nights ago. I am the first floor tenant of 244 Montrose Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11206.

Our entire building is gone and everything I own has been destroyed. Everything I had in the world was inside my apartment and it was my main source of income as an Airbnb host.

I currently deal with medical issues, so beside some small help I get from VA, I'm unable to physically work, but I want start over from scratch and put this loss behind me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart

My Airbnb that was destroyed:

News about the incident:

Equipo de recaudación de fondos (2)

Raz Francessko Abarjel
Brooklyn, NY
Eleanor B
Team member

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