Help a family make ends meet after an accident
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I am raising money for my brothers family. My brother who started his family young and just started getting back on his feet to make a life for his family after having back to back surgeries multiple times , has just gotten set back majorly ! His family was in a MAJOR car roll over this past Friday, July 21st. This was written by his wife trying to express their trauma , this is what his family experienced and is enduring currently, anything and everything is MORE than appreciated !!!!!
THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH TO EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO HAS REACHED OUT AND OR/ STOPPED OVER TO HELP IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND A HUGE SHOUT OUT TO EVERYONE WHO STOPPED AND STAYED TO HELP US AT THE SCENE OF THE ACCIDENT !!!!!!!!! YOU ARE ALL IMCREDIBLE HUMANS AND DESERVE NOTHING BUT THE BEST IN LIFE, I WISH WE COULD REPAY YOU ALL ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ my phone broke in the accident and I haven’t had it until today. The amount of fear instilled in our bodies will never ever disappear , Friday afternoon Joshua Sprince , Malayna , Nevaeh , Parker , Laylah and I were on our way back home from Farmington NH around 2pm with our trailer fully loaded with 5 HUGE round bails of hay that weighed roughly 1200-1500 pounds each , it was raining and we’re driving roughly 30 miles an hour , we were on the road for about 10 minutes after picking up the hay bails. Joshua and I started feeling the truck rocking as if it was EXTREMELY windy so both of us looked out of our side view mirrors at the same time frantically, only to see that it wasn’t the wind…. It was our trailer fishtailing from side to side SCARY FAST that we knew instantly there was no stopping it ! We looked up ahead and saw a TON Of oncoming traffic on the other side of the road and were starting to go towards them !!! Joshua , experienced with driving seeing as he went to CDL school and was a professional truck driver , would instantly be able to safely maneuver out of a dangerous situation, but this was so severe that no matter what course he tried to take to safely get the vehicle to stop before it took control was impossible. He was able to stop the vehicle from hitting the oncoming traffic and the truck started going off the side of the road , as we quickly headed off the road i clenched on to the bar in front of me and squeezed my eyes closed and all I thought was “WE ARE ALL DEAD”. The truck started rolling uncontrollably fast FOUR times , as we heard banging and screaming from everyone in the car , as we were being thrown all around the truck rolling, car seats and all ( all of the kids were buckled correctly in top notch car seats ). The trailer broke off from the hitch and was still attached by the chains to the back of the truck. The truck stopped rolling landing on the driver side , we were all sideways and stuck on top of each other covered in glass and debri. Joshua and I together pulled ourselves up and saw that all of the kids were still alive , there was SO MUCH SMOKE , I thought we were then going to all blow up!!!! Joshua told me to shut off the truck , I shut it off and AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE ! We looked up and out of the passenger door window to see that we had men climbing up the truck to help get us out within the matter of seconds after us crashing !!! We started taking all of the kids out of there car seats as they were stuck and upside down , handing them to the man standing on top of our sideways truck that was still smoking . Once the babies were all safely out , we had SO MANY PEOPLE on the road that pulled over to help, each of the babies were in someone differents arms! Joshua then used all his might with his right arm and heisted me up and out of the truck safely , he then we pulled up and out of the vehicle safely. We checked over all the babies and they had bumps and scratches but were AMAZINGLY AND SHOCKINGLY ALL UNHURT AND OKAY !!!! Joshua was in agony from his back , We all were ambulanced to frisbie hospital in Rochester in two different ambulances being split up and in a vehicle after experiencing such a traumatic experience !!! The ride to the hospital I thought I was going to have a heart attack and cried the whole time , we finally got to the hospital and they split us up again into different rooms. They barely checked us out , had no formula or diapers for the kids and only did an X-ray on Joshua’s back , in which they then told Joshua he had a compressed vertebrae and we were discharged at 715pm. On our way home jsohua was in agony and could barely move , we knew something further was wrong and insisted he go to a better hospital now that we were closer to home. He finally gave in an and his mom and I went to Elliot in Manchester with him at 10pm , we sat in the waiting room for 3 hours until he had cat scans taken , then another 3 hours until he was seen for results , they then took us into the room to let us know he had 2 broken vertebrae on the bottom of his back … he was complaining about having a hard time breathing so they took another cat scan and came back letting us know that he had 6 broken bones along his spine and 3 broken ribs. He was admitted into the hospital and stayed two nights , I spent the first night with him and his mom and then had to go home to keep a close eye on the babies and attend to animals and chores. How Joshua had the strength with his back that broken to help me get all the babies and lifted me out still will forever amaze me , he is our savior and our rock. He pushed himself even in that terrible of a state out of his love for us all and I will forever be grateful ❤️❤️❤️ He was already the most amazing man I had ever met , but now he is so much more than that, he is beyond anything I could ever ask for , the kids and I are ridiculously blessed to have him as our protector . I had many many many horrible panic attacks while Joshua was at the hospital and couldn’t touch food or sleep for days. He is now home as of Sunday and recovering slowly and I COULDNT BE MORE THANKFUL AND BLESSED FOR US ALL TO BE ALIVE AFTER SUCH A SEVERE ACCIDENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had some serious protection from up above and we now look at life at such a different prospective !!!!!! We adored our family more than ever before the accident , and everyone who truly knows us would tell you in a heart beat how much we all absolutely ADORE one another and how happy of a family we are together and to have one another ! But now our love is SO MUCH stronger and life has so much more meaning. I didn’t think that was possible from how much love our hearts already held. Our family is our everything and god knew that , we were WELL PROTECTED AND SAVED BY THE GRACE OF GOD AND HIS ANGELS ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ we wouldn’t be walking away if not !!!! I now have severe PTSD , and am struggling horribly and Joshua is severely sore and will take a while to recover but I would rather that over any of the other scenarios that were possible!! With joshua being so injured , he will not be able to bring in any kind of income for quite some time and we are stressing horribly financially. We fortunately are receiving help paying our mortgage and electricity, but are worrying about finances for other needed necessities for the kids , food , home and animals. We are not ones to ask for help , but right now we need a village and anyone who is able to help in any way is MORE THAN APPRECIATED !!!!!!!! We have a go fund me set up by Cara Lavoie, if you are able to help at all , every penny is appreciated more than you could ever imagine !!!!! We love all of our family and friends more than ever before and will never look at life the same , don’t ever take your life for granted because you never know when your last day will come
Cara Lavoie
Candia, NH