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Help a Gazan Illustrator Reach Egypt

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Hello everyone. I'm Diyala, a children's book author living in Memphis, TN, who is deeply affected by the ongoing catastrophe in my homeland, Palestine.

Some of you may be familiar with my work, particularly my collaboration with Samar Nassar, a gifted illustrator based in Gaza, on our book "Far From Home." We worked together between 2021-2022 to make this book happen, and whilst doing so, Samar and I forged a close bond during our collaboration. My morning walks would consist of phone calls to Samar, sharing our hopes and dreams daily.

It's heartbreaking to witness the nightmare unfolding in Gaza, with Samar and her family enduring forced displacement amidst escalating violence and destruction.

As the grandchild of Nakba survivors, seeing Samar and her family endure yet another catastrophe has been truly gut-wrenching. Samar's father, who is paralyzed, embarked on a perilous journey from Gaza City to Rafah, where they now reside in a small tent with 11 family members, facing cold, hunger, and illness.

Most recently, Samar learned that her home in Sheikh Radwan was destroyed, but not before occupation forces stormed her home, and looted valuable items, including electronic appliances, and other valuables left behind that they were unable to take with them in their backpacks.

Samar is now determined to leave Gaza in pursuit of a better life, where she can secure employment to support her family's departure from the area. I humbly urge you to contribute whatever you can to help Samar escape Gaza as soon as possible. Her safety, like that of countless others, hangs in the balance.

We appreciate you all.


  • Alexandra Pusateri
    • $25
    • 4 mos
  • Erica Qualy
    • $5
    • 4 mos
  • Anonym
    • $20
    • 4 mos
  • Anonym
    • $3,000
    • 4 mos
  • Amy Montgomery
    • $20
    • 4 mos


Lenow, TN

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