Help a Generous Soul Reenter Society from Prison
Donation protected
UPDATE: We have suspended the campaign!
A message from Hamza below.
To my sisters and brothers in faith and creation,
I humbly and respectfully with gratitude greet all of you with As - Salaamu Alaikum (which means, May the Peace,Safety, Security, and Prosperity of God be upon all of you). I thank you for your comments, thoughts, prayers and generosity , is truly an acknowledgement of The Divine Spark, The Luminous Light of Allah, The Spirit which He blew into our Nobel Father Adam, that The Spirit of Love conquers and prevails over darkness, here I am a complete stranger to all of you except to those who of you who share kindred spirit and have a personal relationship with me. May Allah( Jehovah, Yahweh, Elohim ) kindly bestow upon all of you His mercy, The Noble Quran says in chapter 55:60" Then what is the reward and recompense of goodness except good."
The Bible says in the Book of Hebrews chapter 13:2-3 " Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so some have unwittingly entertained Angels. Remember the prisoners as if chained with them, those who are miss treated, since you yourselves are in the body also." From my heart I thank you all for your generosity and kindness in donating these funds to help and assist me upon my release from prison. However I must ask each of you now to please, please, please look upon and consider the suffering children, mothers and fathers of Palestine, Yemen, and Africa living under inhuman conditions, being bombed every hour of the day, without water, shelter,medication and food who are ordinary people and citizens just like all of you living their lives having not a thing to do with the politicians, but are suffering in humanely, please give to them, remember them daily in your prayers and with the power of your vote send a message to them that all of God's servants are Equal in creation, the lives of our brothers and sisters who are Palestinians are as precious and inviolable as the life of an Israeli.
Those of you who wish to contact me may do so by following my dear and most beloved brother Justin who came up with this idea, I look forward to the promise of life, happiness, struggles and dreams, to soar and spread my wings, to be a man, a human being once again now that I know the preciousness and the incalculable value of Life, it is just not eating, breathing, work, fun and sex, these are all equally animal functions, but Life is the seed of the Divine Spark of our Creator, it is compassion, mercy, kindness, charity, having empathy, standing up for right, truth, and Justice, its giving away just one date fruit to someone needy,
It’s seeing the homeless and stopping to ask how they are doing, it's treating the elderly with compassion, taking out your elderly neighbors trash, it's giving a true and kind word to someone. In my faith, charity is making my sisters or brothers smile, it is wanting for my sisters and brothers what I want for myself, it is emulating as much as I am able to muster the strength the light of he Prophet of Mercy Muhammad bin Abdallah, for some of you Jesus the son of Mary, others maybe Buddha, and Moses, may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon them. What they all share in common is perfect and complete love for humanity, a love for truth, peace and justice.
Peace be to all of you.
He has also asked that you consider a donation to the organization that helped facilitate some of his education about Islam in the form of books and correspondence
An Incarcerated Man's Extraordinary Act of Generosity for Gaza!
In the midst of his own 40-year long struggle, Hamza's heart reached out from his California prison cell across oceans to the people of Gaza. Despite enduring over 40 years of incarceration for a tragic accident at the age of 16, he has donated his entire savings to the people of Gaza. Working tirelessly as a janitor within prison walls, earning a mere 13 cents per hour, Hamza selflessly donated every cent—about $17—from 136 hours of labor to support the people of Gaza.

In the 80's, Hamza accidentally fired a gun at a loved one, which killing the victim, leading to his imprisonment for over four decades. He has lived with the pain of losing his family member due to his own mistake every day for decades. While in prison, he has become a devout Muslim and has been pleading for parole for decades. Thanks to a new law in California granting parole opportunities to minors charged as adults and a private attorney hired with funds gathered from the Muslim community, Hamza has finally been granted parole and is set to walk free NEXT MONTH!
Hamza is finally being freed at the end of March!
Now, at 56 years old, Hamza's remarkable story of empathy and kindness towards Gazans has captivated social media. In response to the outpouring of love for Hamza, we've launched this GoFundMe campaign at his behest. Your contributions will empower him to transition back into society with dignity and security after years of isolation. With your help, Hamza will access essential resources, secure housing and transportation, and navigate the challenges of his new freedom.
Let's amplify Hamza's legacy of compassion and solidarity. Your generosity will not only provide him with a fresh start but also serve as a beacon of hope for those who believe in the transformative power of kindness. I will be helping Hamza personally in his transition to help him in buying the essentials, getting job training, finding work, buying a car, etc. Thank you for standing with Hamza as he embarks on this extraordinary journey.
"The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of God is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And God multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills." (Quran 2:261) Hamza's generosity embodies this principle, demonstrating the exponential growth of kindness when given freely from the heart.
May his sincere donation be multiplied by the Creator. Amen!

Justin Mashouf
Los Angeles, CA