Help a girl to complete her university study
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2020年5月,他在社交媒体平台上发表了一段视频,要求中国的执政党及其领导人下台,给中国人民民主权利。(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8Bb0FxZXZw) 因此,我父亲被逮捕,被判罪名"煽动颠覆国家政权"。审判初期,我母亲为父亲聘请的律师被政府拒绝接见,而政府另外指定的官派律师拒绝向我们透露父亲被关押和审判的具体情况。2022年7月26日,我母亲接到法院判决结果,被告知我爸爸被判刑6年。这令我们痛心万分。他的案件卷宗里根本没有任何实质性的足以判罪的证据。此外,法院以此案是“秘密案件”为由,拒绝给我妈妈案件的判决书。当前,我爸爸已经提出上诉。
Hello everyone, my name is Yiran Zhang, a sophomore majoring in sociology at the University of California, Davis. With the support of my father, I came to the United States to study abroad. My father, Lu Yang, was a famous poet and writer who strived to promote human rights and democracy in China.
In May 2020, he posted a video on social media platforms demanding that China's ruling party and its leaders step down and give the Chinese people democratic rights. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8Bb0FxZXZw) My father was arrested and charged with "inciting subversion of state power". At the beginning of the trial, the lawyer hired by my mother was denied access by the government, and another government-appointed lawyer refused to disclose to us the specific circumstances of my father's detention and trial. On July 26, 2022, my mother received the court verdict and was told that my father was sentenced to 6 years in prison. This saddens us greatly. There is simply no substantial incriminating evidence in his case file. In addition, the court refused to give my mother a paper copy of the verdict on the grounds that the case was a "secret case." Currently, my dad has filed an appeal.
Before my father was arrested, his calligraphy business was doing well. But after he was arrested, the calligraphy business was forced to close, and our family owed a lot of debt for no reason. Even worse, all of my mother's bank accounts were frozen, and the tutoring classes she held were demanded to stop.
The financial burden makes my mother feel hopeless and overwhelmed. Now, due to the high cost of my studies, she could hardly afford my tuition at UC Davis. At the same time, she also needs to provide for the elderly. China's public security authorities used my right to study abroad as an excuse to restrict my mother's freedom of movement and speech. My mother and I all know that my studies and future are the only hope for the family, so I don't want to drop out of college. Thus, I have to raise funds here to sustain my future studies.
Please help me, a brave and sincere child of a Chinese political dissident, to finish my university studies. Your help will be an important support for me, my family and human rights in China!
Yiran Zhang
Yiran Zhang
Davis, CA