Help a hEDS zebra fish to "just keep swimming"
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Hey! I'm libby and I'd like to start with saying accessibility helps everyone. I am a disabled healthcare worker specifically my passion was end of life care/memory care. I have worked in healthcare for over a decade and truly loved my job, unfortunately I also have a connective tissue disorder called hypermobile ehlers danlos syndrome and was working homecare the first yr of the pandemic. I very quickly got covid before vaccines were even available which turned into long covid. For 3 years I've been dealing with multi system inflammatory responses and loss of af least 70% of my mobility and function which is not easy to live with. Little to no productive management or treatment for this debilitating onset of post viral illness on top of my connective tissue disorder, I do however believe that a silver lining of the still ongoing pandemic is awareness of multi system effecting not well understood health issues so I keep searching. It has been difficult financially for me to even get basic needs met as I'm faced with very high risks with the specific cardiac involvement of my health picture that only seem to get worse. My current ask for financial help to pay off ×2 loans I have had to take out with my credit union to survive as best I can during this time. I had hoped that the negative impacts of covid would be less by now but for me and also many other disabled/immunocompromised communities it is not. I am now at risk for losing my bank accounts I've held for 10 yrs due to inability to pay as disability benefits is not enough to really sustain a good quality of life at least financially speaking. Almost the entirety of my monthly amount is my rent alone and I just could not keep up with those payments of which prior to the pandemic I had them almost entirely paid off. I'm not always a fan of asking for help as I usually am the helper but I find myself needing to so I can continue to electronically pay my rent from my bank accounts and not have to put my health more at risk by having to start all over and go into places physically where it's a strong possibility my heart functions could get worse. I am a single parent to my 2 daughters and we've been lucky to survive this long as intact as we are with complex medical needs, we hope to continue our activism/advocacy for accessibility for all (virtually of course) and to continue to speak up and do the right thing because it's the right thing to do. Thank you in advance to anyone who can help make this time a little less stressful and know I'm very much grateful for all who help, even read and share this. Update as of 11/28/23I've not been able to get much support and attention about my high risk medical needs but am keeping up on my payments as I can. I would like to add if anyone has any interest in sharing my gofund me for just in general disability survival at this point. Eventually I'll have to move closer to more adequate care centers but I'm still so sick with long covid effecting my cardiac functions worse and worse with almost zero energy/ability to get to a safer space to live and be able safely contribute to society in any way I can help others like I used to. I don't know how much to ask for bc full accessibility doesn't truly exist anywhere and when I am supported I never leave anyone behind. mantra I make sure I live by is instead of thinking I and me, think US and WE. Thank you for your time. ❤️ ~libby~
Elizabeth (Libby) Wiskowski (Beltz)
Wausau, WI