Help a Soldier in a Foreign Hospital
Doação protegida
Christopher Eckert (33) served as an Infantryman out of loving compassion for his country. His dedication and service was unparalleled. He served in Iraq. He joined at age 17. He was wounded in combat and received the Purple Heart. He also has a Combat Infantryman’s Badge.
He presently has multiple organ failures and needs treatment at a VA hospital. We need to get his family members out to Thailand so that they can be with him and help to manage his healthcare. The situation is dire.
It is easy to fly a flag and believe that makes the world a better place. It is easy to tell servicepersons that you appreciate their contributions. But what counts is the material things that you do to actually help them. This is an opportunity to actually help a soldier. Please donate so that we can get this man the care he needs.
Obligational release of information:
1. I, Seth Manzel, am a veteran's advocate. I started this to help Christopher and his family with his medical care and the disposition of his remains.
2. I am from Fremont, Nebraska. I was stationed at Ft. Lewis, Washington after joining the U.S. Army Infantry.
3. We were both Infantrymen. We only spoke by way of phone or video a few times. I know his family only through the communications that were necessary to facilitate this fundraiser. All families of deployed Infantrymen face the same challenges and to be honest, it is more or less the same story played out over and over. When you take teenagers and young adults, train them to kill and put them in dangerous and morally questionable situations the outcome is entirely predictable. In that way all Infantrymen have a kinship.
4. Due to Christopher's death, the funds will be used to repatriate his body in accordance to his wishes. The money will also be used to pay outstanding medical bills incurred while he was hospitalized and on life support, so that his remains can be released to his family who is currently in Thailand. Travel expenses for family to and from Thailand, uncovered burial expenses and costs associated with shipping Christopher's belongings home will also be covered by these funds
5. My account is not associated with this account. The funds are going directly to the mother of Christopher Eckert, Roswitha (Rose) Eckert Szymborski and will used to pay for the above.
Obligational release of information:
1. I, Seth Manzel, am a veteran's advocate. I started this to help Christopher and his family with his medical care and the disposition of his remains.
2. I am from Fremont, Nebraska. I was stationed at Ft. Lewis, Washington after joining the U.S. Army Infantry.
3. We were both Infantrymen. We only spoke by way of phone or video a few times. I know his family only through the communications that were necessary to facilitate this fundraiser. All families of deployed Infantrymen face the same challenges and to be honest, it is more or less the same story played out over and over. When you take teenagers and young adults, train them to kill and put them in dangerous and morally questionable situations the outcome is entirely predictable. In that way all Infantrymen have a kinship.
4. Due to Christopher's death, the funds will be used to repatriate his body in accordance to his wishes. The money will also be used to pay outstanding medical bills incurred while he was hospitalized and on life support, so that his remains can be released to his family who is currently in Thailand. Travel expenses for family to and from Thailand, uncovered burial expenses and costs associated with shipping Christopher's belongings home will also be covered by these funds
5. My account is not associated with this account. The funds are going directly to the mother of Christopher Eckert, Roswitha (Rose) Eckert Szymborski and will used to pay for the above.
Roswitha Szymborski
Lakewood, WA