Help Abel's Family with Funeral Expenses
Donation protected
It’s with heavy heart and great sadness we share unexpected death of Abel Dirago Dido on 11 November, 2024. Abel was student at the university of Iowa majoring in Biology and with a big dream to become a medical doctor. His unexpected death shocked his friends, classmates and whole family. Abel was survived by his father, Dirago Sida and his three siblings. Losing him at this young age is unimaginable to his friends and it brings heavy financial burden to the family. Abel’s family needs our urgent financial assistance to help cover funeral services in this very difficult time.
አስቸኳይ የድጋፍ ጥሪ
አቤል ዲራጎ በአዮዋ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የባዮሎጂ ተማሪ ባጋጠመዉ ድንገተኛ ሁኔታ ህይወቱ አልፏል። አቤል የህክምና ዶክተር ለመሆን ትልቅ ህልም የነበረው ተማሪ ነበር። የእሱ ያልተጠበቀ ሞት ጓደኞቹን እና መላ ቤተሰቡን አስደንግጧል። በዚህ በጣም አስቸጋሪ ጊዜ የቀብር አገልግሎቶችን ለመሸፈን የአቤል ቤተሰብ የእኛን አስቸኳይ የገንዘብ እርዳታ ይፈልጋሉ።
Fundraising team: Kebede Tura and Elias Bunte (1)
Elias Michael Bunte
Sioux City, IA
Kebede Tura
Team member