Help Accomplish Equality in Henderson County NC
Hi my name is Bonnie Corral and I am raising money for my dear friend Veronica Ramirez that was horribly harassed for being Mexican. Our goal is to accomplish equality in Henderson County and all surrounding areas that happen to come across this page. As well as to provide the funds necessary for representation and relocation in this matter.
On the afternoon of July 12, 2021 Veronica Ramirez the owner of Zum-garu in Hendersonville NC and couple of her friends and children decided to visit the pool right next door to Veronicas Zumba location. The pools name is Flex Fitness and Recreation Center. After paying for their entries they settled in one of the canopies on the site, the children jumped in the pool and like any other member of the pool began to enjoy the weather. Shortly after they decided to play music in Spanish as many other members of this pool do everyday when one of the customers complained by saying "they did not like Mexican music". The owner of this facility then walked to this group of Hispanic women in a very rude manner, disconnected the speaker and proceeded to take the speaker with her. She then called the local Sherriff department and with no explanation at all asked them to escort these women off the premises. The Sheriff Dept arrived and proceeded to notify these women that they were trespassing and they needed to leave. They were treated like criminals along with all of their children only because they did not speak English. Veronia Ramirez is a tenant at this facility and pays the owner of Flex Fitness $1500 monthly. Veronica is very well known throughout the Hispanic community for helping others in need. She is a very selfless and always gives everything she can give to anyone that needs it. She is very loved by everyone.
On the morning of July 13, 2021 Veronica arrived at her zumba location only to find a letter of "eviction notice" taped on her door. Veronica is a single mother of two. She works very hard every single day to provide for her children. She has began to lose customers due to the flex gym locking their door and not allowing for anyone to come in to use the restroom.
This is a complete discrimination against our race. Now I come to you and ask that you please help with whatever you can to help these women try to accomplish equality. Not just for them but for their children as well.
Thank you very much!!