Help Aemilius Fly Home for Recovery
Hi my name is James and I am fundraising for my son Aemilius who was mauled by a pack of dogs on 5/13/24 near Corbin, Kentucky. Due to his condition he currently cannot sit up or stand and he will be unable to fly home if his condition does not greatly improve soon. In order for us to return to our home in Arizona we may need help with paying for Angel medflight to get him home where he can be in a bed in a laying position during his flight. We pray that he is able to recover quickly and that this will not be necessary but at this point in recovery we believe it is something we need to prepare for. Any additional funds that are collected or if the money is not needed for the med flight because he has recovered well enough to fly in the next couple weeks then the money will be used to help support him and our family during his recovery. So far because our insurance doesn't cover anything beside an ER visit and we do not want to take him to the ER due to increased risk of infection we are paying out of pocket for all of his follow up care including very expensive rabies shots and specialized antibiotics from a compounding pharmacy. The total of this GoFundMe campaign reflects the quote of over $35,000 for an air ambulance to Taylor, Arizona as well as our current expected out of pocket expenses to pay for medical care until we return home. Alternately of we cannot raise enough money for an air ambulance our plan would be to pay for a room on Amtrak where he can have a bed to lay in. The expected cost to take Amtrak for my wife, three children and I in rooms is roughly $2,500.
UPDATE: He has been making great leaps and bounds in his recovery. So far he has had about 90% of his stitches removed (over 40 stitches) and can sit upright for 30-40 minutes at a time. He's on antibiotics and has received 3 of his 4 rabies shots and 2 tetanus shots. No signs of infection and he's healing well so far. He still has pain but he's managing it well. The last two days he's been giggling and having fun even though he's stuck in a stroller as it hurts him to walk.
At this time we do not believe he will need an air ambulance to return home. That being the case we will be changing the fundraiser goal to reflect our out of pocket costs that are not covered by insurance to care for him and get his ongoing medical care. We would like to thank everyone who helps us and prays for us in our son's recovery. God has been listening to those prayers indeed.
We will make future updates as his recovery continues. Thank you.