Help Ahmet with his Treatment
Let’s listen to Ahmet’s story from his mom, Zekiye Ataç, in her own words translated to English...
Ahmet was so young when he started getting chemotherapy. It started after we’ve learned that he has bone cancer. But unfortunately, all these rounds of chemotherapy and radiotherapy didn’t work, and he had to go under surgery. Doctors had to remove some of his bones. But the tumour was malignant, and it continued to spread. Now he has lung metastases...
People who know his condition in Turkey tried to help a lot. But there was so little we could do in Turkey. We had to seek help abroad, and we did... Germany hospital in Germany accepted his case and invited him to treat. The treatment was supposed to start last November, but we couldn’t send him alone. His father has been unfairly jailed by Erdogan’s government for two years now. Leaving the country has been prohibited for me.. I’ve tried to obtain legal permission to go with him for his treatment so many times, but nothing worked...
Now he is at a further stage. He is not able to walk anymore! He suffers a lot in front of my eyes! Yesterday I had to convince him that he has to go without me and heal...
Think of a little kid... My little Ahmet.. 8 years old and has to start a healing journey all by himself...Without the people, he does and will need the most, without his mom and dad by him. I’ve sent him with his 70 years old grandmother yesterday... I had to...
We have spent a lot of time thinking about whether or not making our case public, but we’ve decided to share our story for many reasons. The life-saving medical treatment for Ahmet is so expensive, and we need so much help to raise funds. Only this way we will be able to pay for his €50.000 surgery here in Germany... Ahmet needs your help!