Hello, my name is Kuir Ajang JiBol, I’m asking for your help to Purchase a hybrid wheelchair for my father, Mr. Ajang JiBol. Dad suffered a debilitating stroke three years ago and has be going through a very difficult recovery since then. Before a stroke confined him to a chair, he was an active member of his community as a volunteer fire marshal, and one of the community elders sitting on a customary court where small civil disputes are settled. In short, he is an integral member of the community that his lack of mobility has sidelined him from. Unfortunately, dad lives in South Sudan where buying health insurance is not an option, and all medical expenses are paid out of pocket upfront. I, as the only member of the family with income, I have been providing financial support to the family and covering dad’s medical and physical therapy costs. Currently, my means are stretched thin and I’m unable to afford the wheelchair dad needs. My goal is raise $6000 to pay for a hybrid wheelchair a portable charging solar panel and shipping cost. Your generous help will allow my father to regain some independence and to reintegrate back into the community activities that he has missed so much for the past three years.