Help Alex With Recovery
Hello, this page has been set up to help raise assistance for our good friend Alex, one of the victims of the horrific Southbank (Melbourne) crash on Thursday night. Alex was standing on a curb near his home, waiting to cross a street when a double trailer truck turning left jumped the curb and struck a light pole, while also crushing Alex and injuring 4 other people.
Alex was taken to a ICU in critical condition and is currently undergoing a 3rd surgery. He remains in critical but stable condition.
Normally Alex works 2 jobs as a delivery man, however due to his current condition, it is unclear whether Alex will be able to return to workforce soon or at a later stage. His delivery bike, which he built, was also crushed in the accident. The funds gathered on this page will go towards assisting Alex's recovery & rehabilitation, any medical and rent bills that may follow starting today.
Alex is a great guy, and a very big online-gamer, which some of you may know as "GhillieFreak" on social media. He is friends to many, please help us support him, as he can not ask for help himself at this stage.
- I have received permission from Alex's family to get the fundraiser, if that ever was in question of eligibility.
Thank you for sharing the event, good wishes, prayers and support for Alex. Stay safe out there.