Help Alexis Beat Breast Cancer
Hi guys! Alexis here, during my second trimester I found a lump in my breast that began growing rapidly due to pregnancy hormones and I am so thankful to have a medical team that RUSHED me seamlessly through biopsies and ultrasounds to quickly determine it’s cancerous nature. I am in chemotherapy until our sweet baby girl arrives and then will be undergoing several surgeries to remove this nasty ol thing, and continue with immunotherapy for the next year. If this is the first time you’re hearing the news, that’s okay, you’re not the only one! It’s been hefty news to share as we processed our new reality, and prepare for our newborn.
We have been covered by the Lord’s peace and wisdom in a way that I never understood or fathomed was possible. He truly gives peace that surpasses understanding, and is strong in our weakness. My treatments have gone miraculously well, besides extreme exhaustion and hair loss, as I grow this baby and am unable to take the normal medication to help raise blood counts and bone marrow. I am happy to state that the doctors have been surprised that this little pregnant body can raise counts back up so quickly, but we are not surprised as we know God is in this journey every single step of the way. Not to mention our sweet baby girl is unaffected by the treatments and “doing her part” as my mother in-love says. She is already radiant joy and growing perfectly. She also has the energy of her father, loves to wiggle when hearing his voice and is ahead of schedule with her practice breathing and endless smiling.
We are thankful to have had so many ask how to help in this season so we decided to start this go fund me in order to cover:
•High deductibles for medical care
•Proper supplements and nutrition for healing and raising blood counts
•Assistance in caretaking for myself, and our baby girl in the coming months
We can’t explain our gratefulness for every dollar given and every prayer prayed.
Here are a few of our specific prayers:
•Chemotherapy continues to work, symptoms continue to stay * miraculously* at bay, and blood counts *miraculously* continue to rise. (PLEASE know this has only been possible by the Lord and the doctors are surprised.)
•Supernatural Strength for my body and mind to deliver our healthy baby while undergoing treatment in the next two months.
•Protection from infections/sickness.
•The Lords wisdom and peace for Carson and I.
•Rest, protection and joyful, fun, breaks over Carson as the main care take of his two girls! The best support I could ever dream of.
Thank you. We feel the love and support! We do ask that you leave your prayers and encouragement on this page in stead of texting! We are SO grateful for everyone who reaches out and it is so encouraging to come here when we are ready for each kind word. We love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
We can’t wait to keep you updated as the Lord continues to move in ways only He can. We can proudly state the tumor is already HALF the size of when we began this journey. God. Is. Good. And He is doing what only He, is famous for.