Help Alicia with funeral expenses for her son.
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My name is Cassandra Shuper and on October 10, 2021 my brother Billy was taken from me and and my family much too soon. I’m creating this Gofund me to provide my single mother with as much relief as possible as she has to undergo the hardest thing anyone will ever experience, the loss of a child. For those that didn’t know him, Billy Christopher Leatherwood was born on May 23, 1984 to my mother Alicia Douglas and her husband and Billy’s father, Billy Randall Leatherwood. Billy’s father died when billy was only a teenager and Alicia raised Billy and my brother Brian and me on her own. Alicia always did whatever it took to go above and beyond to provide for her children. Now, for the last two years my mother has been taking care of my brother Billy as his health started to decline in early 2019. Billy first started noticing his health decline when he started getting pains in his legs and had trouble walking. Over the course of two years, in and out of hospitals, searching for answers, Getting sick and then getting better over and over again, it finally took a turn in September 2021 when Billy ended up in the hospital with liver failure due to Wilson’s disease. My mother had to pay for antibiotics, walkers, wheelchair, travel to and from each hospital, hotel stays, supplies for Billy when he came home, etc. Billy did end up getting the news he needed a liver transplant but was not a candidate due to being too sick and the liver failure being too serious that his kidneys were in complete failure. The antibiotics and medications helped billy and he went back home with my mother and she cared for his every need and was by his side while he seemed to be improving and we thought maybe there was a chance his body could repair itself and he would pull through. We never thought he was actually going to leave us, he was so strong. Billy then started to decline again and went back into the hospital to St. Margaret’s Thursday at about 1am. He was transferred to osf in Peoria Thursday afternoon and we got the official news he wasn’t going to make it Friday, October 8th. Billy stated he really wanted to die at home so we kept him on aggressive care as long as possible to get him home to receive hospice care with his family around him. It was in the works and Billy was going to be transferred home to spend his last moments on Sunday, October 10 at 4pm. Unfortunately Sunday morning Billy’s body couldn’t take anymore and the doctors informed us it wasn’t safe to transfer him home and would be a risk that he would die alone on the ambulance ride home. So we decided to begin the comfort care process there at Osf. Billy’s last moments were full of love and support. We told him we loved him countless times, we went around and talked about our favorite memories together with him, and said things we’ve always wanted to say. I truly feel that he felt all the love and support and prayers that everyone was sending to him. Now my mother is going through the hardest moments of her life and she needs as much as support as anyone could possibly give. My mom has been through so much in the past two years. I thank everyone in advance for caring about Billy and reaching out to me and my family. We need everyone’s support now more than ever. Rest In Peace Billy❤️
Alicia Douglas
Spring Valley, IL