Help Alona transition out of Undergrad
Graduating during a pandemic was a very interesting experience considering the job market is changing drastically. Last year, I was blessed to have been protected from the brunt of the financial strife that has come with these times, but as the world starts to move again (with little to no government aide) it has become increasingly more difficult to gain footing enough to be able to transition out of undergrad without worry or stress. I have a student loan that I would like to pay off as soon as possible, also right after graduation my laptop broke which has made writing more difficult than it has to be. What I hope to actualize is enough money to pay off this debt and get a new laptop so that I can produce the highest quality of work, and focus on career endeavors that will catalyze my stability. This fund will help me do that without mental/physical/ and emotional strain. It is very hard for me to ask for help, especially financially but I appreciate every bit of support I get! Thank you so much for reading and donating! ❤️