Donation protected
We wont allow the commissioners court to supress our voices! Please donate to help us fund shuttle busses to polling locations for young voter accessability!
July 5th in a 4-1 decision the Texas A&M Memorial Student Center was removed as an early voting location for the 2022 midterm election. This decision was made while students were gone for the summer and unable to to fight for their right to vote. In August several student run organizations such as the A&M chapter of MOVE Texas were informed of this decision and began to fight for the reversal of this decision. Students from several A&M organizations testified for four weeks in a row at the County Commissioners Court in support of reinstating the msc as an early voting location. The commissioners and staff spewed misinformation claiming that the change was not possible due to legal reasons despite our citing the election code that stated this was not true. Each meeting they introduced a new lie and stalled the vote until the last minute, Tuesday, September 27th when they declared they would not make the change for the last time. This is after we testified to the levels this decision would suppress the student vote as many students do not have cars and there is not aggie bus route to city hall which is a 30 minute walk from the MSC. Even after the commsisioners stated that they had made a mistake in removing the MSC. We will not give up the fight! We are now planning to transport students from campus to the polls!. Help us give A&M students a voice and a vote! Donate!
This decision will
Decrease accessibility to early voting for TAMU students
Limit bus access to the Polls
add a +30min walk to polls for West Campus Students
Differences between MSC and City Hall
MSC (1,434 spots in Gene Stallings Garage)
City Hall (A small parking lot)
-Bus access
MSC (17 buses stop at MSC or within 5min walk)
City Hall (0 buses stop at City Hall, closest is 14 min walk)
Texas A&M University students need the MSC as an early voting location because
TAMU's Student body represents around 35% of the Brazos County Voter Population
Feasible transportation is available
Students have extremely busy schedules
What can I do?
Stay informed
Follow any of these Involved Organization
MOVE Texas, Texas Rising, CMSA, FREE Aggies, ALPHA, Brazos SDS, League of Women Voters of Brazos Valley, and Young Dems of Brazos Valley
For a more in depth description of our fight at Brazos County Commissioners Court read below.
MOVE Texas members testified at the Brazos County Commissioners court for the first time on Tuesday August 30th. After testifying that this decision would disenfranchise thousands of students, proffesors, and staff we were told legally they were unable to reinstate the MSC as an early voting location by all commisioners and their attorny. We showed up again Tuesday, September 13th prepared with election code that proved that the reinstatement was not only legal but also feasable up until 72 hours before early voting. However, due to the refusal to show up to court by two county commissioners we were unable to make quorum and therefore were unable to speak or take action on the MSC's removal. We showed up again the following Tuesday, the 20th after being told the reinstatement of the MSC for the 2022 election would be on the agenda. Upon arival we discovered the agenda said 2023 instead of 2022. The commissioners then said their hands were tied and they were unable to talk about 2022 as the agenda did not allow it. They continued to spew misinformation stating the reinstatement was not doable and when faced with backlash by the audience they claimed they would host a workshop on the legality of the reinstatement. They claimed they made a mistake in removing the location and wish they could fix it but claimed they couldn't. During this meeting they also decided to cancel court for Tuesday, October 4th. The following Tuesday, the 27th again two commissioners did not show up. We were informed Although we met quorum we were not allowed to speak. This time we were told although it was legal to make the change, it was too late and a change this late could cause mistakes. Due to the inaction, misinformation, and stalling by the court thousands of students, professors, and staff will have difficulty getting to the polls for this important election.
College Station, TX