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Support Amiracle Kids' Creative Mission

Donación protegida

Every child deserves a space to create and imagine. Amiracle Kids is on a mission to nurture the next generation of designers and creators. Through our engaging craft and design workshops, mentorships, creative challenges, and hands-on projects, we ignite curiosity, innovation, and critical thinking, providing young creators with the opportunities they need to explore and develop their imaginations.

While we have already inspired and mentored hundreds of youth in the Washington, DC and Maryland areas over the past few years, we still have much to accomplish. Our most pressing challenge is securing a consistent home to continue working with our students.

We are asking that you be willing to donate towards funding for our future home. Your contribution will be vital in helping us succeed in serving our community and reaching more youth.

Thank you for your time and support.

Warm regards,

Amiracle Kids

Donaciones (1)

  • Yolanda Darricarrere
    • $125
    • 11 meses
Sé uno de los primeros en colaborar

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Krystal Robinson
Washington D.C., DC

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