Help Amos Miller Save Our Traditional Foods
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Amos Miller Organic Farm is our century-old Amish family farm in Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania - serving its Private Member Association. The farm raises its animals and other pure foods the way nature intended and we are proud to be entirely chemical, cruelty and GMO-free. The animals are born and raised without antibiotics or hormones and they spend their entire lives naturally and stress-free out on pasture. All of the farm’s food is traceable, pure and grown on nutrient dense soil, under traditional time-honored methods.
The farm is now under attack by the USDA about non-conforming practices, the practices which pre-date the USDA. They are suing the farm to comply with USDA laws, concerning the way the farm animals are processed and how our food is labeled. The farm and its members believe that we have the right of free assembly and the right to choose how our food is processed and consumed without the USDA dictating to the farm.
Our Farmer, Amos Miller, needs your help to preserve traditional farming the way God intended. In order to defend the way the farm has produced its pure foods for more than 100 years, Amos has to hire civil rights attorneys to argue the farm’s case in court against the army of lawyers that the USDA are bringing to the courtroom.
Amos and his family know that how the food is grown, raised and processed has a direct connection to the health of the people who consume it. We oppose cruelty in any shape or form. The farm’s focus is to grow real nutrient dense, chemical-free foods, taking care that NO harm is done to neither the animals, the environment or the people who consume our foods. We are what we eat and this is clearly an undeniable fact.
The ever increasing environmental toxins from the overuse of synthetic chemicals makes modern farming very questionable. The ethical part, consuming animal foods, leaves doubts in the minds of many. Members of our community have joined us because they have chemical sensitivities and only started to heal and thrive once they began consuming REAL nutrient dense foods. They depend on our farm foods. Members with a vegan background started enjoying animal foods again once they realized that the death of an animal doesn't have to be cruel. Did you know that our farmer, Amos, is praying before he is planning to sacrifice an animal? Amish farmers are such wonderful, ethical and honest people. We members trust our Amish farmer and his integrity is priceless.
Please note that accepting contributions are not typically allowed in the Amish culture. The Amish believe in earning what you have - through hard work. But Amos needs help to defend our Association and he agreed to accept donations through the GoFundMe campaign.
If you think like we do and you believe that farming can be done and continued the proven and traditional way, please support our Food freedom and our Farmer, Amos, and donate any amount you can.
Please share and support our fight. We need YOUR VOICE more than ever to help secure NON DEFILED FOODS. What is defilement you may ask? - defilement is the CORRUPTION of PURE PERFECTION. And what is PURE PERFECTION? It has always been and always will be God's creation. **GOD'S FOODS** - foods that are grown as our father God intended. Non corrupted/non defiled foods - free of chemicals, sterilizers and GMO's. That does NOT include lab grown meats and fish or any type of CRISPR experiments on the genome. See, if you change the DNA of God's creation it will be no longer "the image of God" but corrupted and defiled - nonredeemable on the spiritual level. What you eat clearly matters.
We owe it to our children and ourselves to defend the right to eat nourishing foods that will sustain our body and soul.
Thank you so much for your support, YOUR PRAYERS and contributions.
What will my money be used for? The farmer will use 100% of these funds to seek counsel and the best lawful representation.
How can I find out more about the farm? Please visit www.amosmillerorganicfarm.com or contact us .
How can I join and become a member? You can join our Private Member Association here .
Since the farmer is Amish and doesn't use a computer, how did he create this GoFundMe page? Amos Miller has chosen a managing member, Anke M. to help him create this campaign.
Amos Miller - Anke M.
Bird in Hand, PA