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Help Amos Rebuild After Tragic Injury

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Hello, I am Amos, a 26 y/o from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I was injured this year, just recently on July 3rd, when I was shot in my neck. The bullet injured my C2 C3 area of my spinal cord. I instantly lost my legs and all core function, such as controlling urine & bowel movements. I’ve been in hospital care since then, hoping to regain some functions to my body.

As this injury is extremely difficult on me being able to return to work anytime soon & care for my family & the little one that is currently on the way soon. Anything helps towards getting better & the costs of future physical therapy costs of vehicle & home modifications ❤️‍ God bless you all & Godspeed on my recovery. Thank you for your time.



  • kathryn wagner
    • $50
    • 16 d
  • Georgia Mayne
    • $33
    • 1 mo
  • Sandi Demars
    • $50
    • 1 mo
  • Casey Birkholz
    • $100
    • 1 mo
  • Anonym
    • $50
    • 1 mo

Spendenteam: Team Hope (4)

Amos Manneh
Minneapolis, MN
Ceontaria Harris
Team member
Jamie Freitag
Team member
Sandi Demars
Team member

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