Help Ramone Sanders Beat Cancer!
McClymonds High School graduate, Ramone Sanders (seated) had his first year of college football come to an early end when he suffered a broken leg in practice. The Laney College freshman broke his left femur. The femur is considered the strongest bone in the human body, so this was a significant injury.
This photo was at halftime of the Junior College State Championship Football game, which Laney won. That followed Ramone's winning the State High School Football Championship two years in a row at McClymonds.
He missed playing in the big game, but the injury was actually a blessing in disguise because of what it revealed. Doctors discovered bone cancer in Ramone’s leg, which may have contributed to the injury and definitely would not have been found as early if it weren’t for the break. Now, while healing from the injury, Ramone is undergoing cancer treatment. Unfortunately, there is also indication that the cancer has spread as doctors have found two spots on his lung.
Medical treatment for a broken leg can be expensive. But cancer is in an entirely different class. Ramone’s family is working to support him, get him to all his doctor’s appointments, and secure for him the best treatment to cure his cancer. They need help to ensure they can cover all the costs they have incurred so far and that they will face in the coming months and years. Please donate to support Ramone, his mother, Toni Brown (who is managing this account) and his entire family.
Many thanks in advance.