Help Anas and his family survive in Gaza
I am Anas Banar, I live in the Gaza Strip, and life here is devastating and exhausting. I live with my family in tents, bad life conditions and no or bad food.
We are deplaced several times a month, sometimes a week.
My family is composed of my brother Abdullah, my sister Areej, my father Ihab and my mother Samira. My father is often sick and needs healthcare.
Before war I had a very quiet life. I was student in mechanical engineering and a very simple person. My dream was to travel to France to complete my education. But nowadays all my thoughts are towards one thing: survive.
The cost of vegetables and fruits has surged to eight times their usual price. Given that we currently have no income due to the war, it's almost impossible to manage such expenses. Most of our meals are limited to one per day, consisting mainly of canned goods with little to no meat or fruit, and only a small portion of vegetables. These are now luxuries that we simply can't afford. For instance : nowadays a kilo of tomatoes costs 8$, before it was 1$ or 2$.
I need help to provide food to my family and I hope, one day, escape the genocide as quickly as possible. Your generosity can provide us with the means to secure shelter, food and we hope rebuild our lives.
If you have any questions or concerns you can contact Lujain the fundraiser organizer, she will transfer your donations to us safely!Thank you