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Support Angharad's healing

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Hi. My name is Angharad, and I am asking for your help.  Below is my story, I hope you will read it.

My friends and loved ones have gathered to offer YOU profound services in exchange for your donation - so this is a circle of giving...I receive the treatment I desperately need to save my life, and you receive amazing services that might just transform YOUR life, and my friends and colleagues feel they are using their gifts in the world AND supporting me. It is win-win-win...the miracle of how love, kindness and support create a circle of magic. 

So, if you are called- you can donate directly any amount, OR you can look at the list of offerings and choose something that resonates with you. Please scroll to the bottom of this post to see everything that is offered and follow the directions! Thank you from the bottom of my heart...and for helping to save my life. You are my angels!


I used to be the kind of human who is like this:

I was vibrant, happy; I LOVED traveling. I was so excited about making change in the world, climbing up mountains and sharing light. And then 8 months ago, my health took a deep dive into suffering.

I already AM a warrior woman. I survived cancer twice. NOW, I’ve been struck down with Chronic Epstein Barr Virus, Lupus, ME, 2 types of Pneumonia, Lyme disease, Pulmonary fibrosis and 6 different bacterial and viral infections… yep, all at once. And that’s just what I know of so far.

Now, this is my reality:

It’s been extremely rough being bed bound for almost 8 months and being in pain every single day with no relief. After 8 months of this it seems so weird to me that humans can walk, and dance, and LIVE, without pain. Like they’re some kind of weird alien race out there that can do all these things so easily. I want so badly to be one of those strange aliens again who can feel so alive and be present in the world. It also really sucks and is a huge strain to have to ‘project manage’ my own health while my body is battling with all this.

I’ve seen over 56 doctors (most of which say I’m too complex), battled for medical professionals to help me, and spent all my savings on trying to get well.

I have an incredibly healthy and well informed diet, take over 50 supplements a day, have tried THC/CBD oil, have been dedicated to meditation and tried a large number of treatments.

And I’m still not closer to getting better.

I need more help from professionals who can closely look at my whole system, instead of looking at all my symptoms and essentially just putting out fires.

I am in need of financial assistance so I can dare to hope that I can get well again.

My aim is to go to a biological or functional medicine clinic in Mexico or Europe and get the care and immune system reset my body so urgently needs, and to continue with treatments and care once I leave the clinic. I am highly in need of ONE doctor to ‘project manage’ my health and get me back on my feet and get back to helping others.


30,000€ - bio medical center
750€ - flights
2500€ - accommodation before/after for me and my partner
5000€ - therapy (holistic mind-body trauma treatment)
10,000€ - continued medical support and follow-ups after leaving the center

GoFundMe fees: 8%

Total: 52110€

My wish is that if there's money leftover after I've fully healed, I'm honored to pay it forward to someone else who's in need of healing support.


1. Click the yellow DONATE NOW button at the top of this page if you desire to donate directly! I am so, so grateful for every donation.
2. Please share this page on Facebook and with anyone you feel would want to contribute.
3. AND- you can donate to receive amazing services and transformational coaching from my amazing friends and colleagues who have donated their time, their gifts, and their expertise...scroll down below to see all the rewards being offered in exchange for your donation! 


GIVING is so much my nature, it’s very challenging to receive, even when it’s so desperately needed and I have no means of helping myself given how sick I feel.

Before I got sick, I was in a life changing Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching Certification, learning the skills to change lives and support people in having the vibrant, beautiful and meaningful love, sex and relationships they crave.

In this course, I met incredible, whole-hearted, highly skilled women from all over the world, and they have conspired to help me learn this strange art of receiving, and have offered me their coaching time and skill to offer to you, in exchange for your support. I cry every time I think about how it feels to have others love me so selflessly.

We thought it would be fun to offer some super powerful and transformational experiences to you in exchange for your help (if you want to receive - you can of course donate without taking one of these options)!

REWARD Options AND LOGISTICS: Please read the full list!

*here is a link to a currency converter if you need it! 

Option 1: Simply donate any amount you’d like to offer to Angharad’s healing, without taking any of the below options. Anything you feel moved to give is so gratefully accepted.

Option 2: 20€/$23  Grounding and Energizing Meditation (5 available)
A really beautiful grounding and energizing meditation to listen to whenever you need some energetic support. Come to rest inside of your own body, feeling held and nourished by the earth and sky.

Option 3: 30€/$34  Ask Harmony Scott One Burning Question (15 available) 
"Ask Harmony” is a safe place to directly ask a highly skilled Love, Sex & Relationship Coach your burning questions and conundrums around intimate relationships, body-mind-spirit, sacred sexuality, Neo-Tantra, Jade Egg, dating, long term partnerships, broken hearts, grief, shame, pleasure, self-love, and empowerment...Harmony currently coaches thousands of women and men in these very issues, and is highly skilled in offering you loving and useful insight and guidance and TOOLS.   Harmony writes "What is alive in you? What keeps you up at night? What is holding you back from your desires? What do you yearn to create? What is ready to be cleared and clarified? What are you READY to receive sexually-emotionally-intimately? I promise to meet your deepest and most challenging questions with respect, compassion, clarity, and extraordinarily useful tools & guidance. You will be answered via email or video depending on the best format to most effectively respond to your question."

Option 4: 425€/$490  6-Week Yoni Power Online Course - valued at over 485€/$560 (15 available)

Marianne van Katwijk, founder of Yoni Yoga guides women through a transformative 6-week online experience helping them increase connection to feminine energy, reduce stress, experience deeper self love, expand into pleasure in all areas of life, have more amazing orgasms, increase health in all of the organs and more.  Course includes an individual one-hour coaching session with Marianne.  Starts November 

Options #5-8 Coaching Packages- scroll below the "Why-What-Who-How" to see packages available*  These sessions are over Skype or Zoom, so you can be anywhere in the world, in the privacy and safety of your own home, at the convenience of your schedule. 

"Why Coaching?" The kinds of people who sign up for coaching are people who are already amazing, and they know they want MORE from life. They know that the extra support they get from a skilled coach will help them fly higher, faster, deeper than they could alone. Olympic athletes, business leaders, and powerful humans who excel in their field have coaches to be the best they can - so can you! Realize your gifts and manifest them now!

And truly, what is more important and rewarding than feeling connected to yourself and/or your partner in a healthy and thriving sexual connection, having abundant relationships of all kinds (with self, with your lover, with your friends-family-coworkers) and moving skillfully through life, love, and relationship. 

"Coaching What-Who-How?" Here are some ideas to see if you feel coaching could be supportive in you life- if so scroll down to see all the options available:

~Dating/Love/Attracting Partnership -Do you want to be more skillful and successful at dating, attracting and deeply connecting with a wonderful partner who meets you on all levels? Do you desire to create some epic love in your life? 

~Women's Self-Love, Empowerment, Soul Growth -Explore how to claim your power in the world and feel fully empowered to live the life of your dreams! Do you want to BE the woman/ of your dreams - that version of you that you KNOW you are deep inside, but can't quite embody (yet)? Are there fears, old stories, traumas or anxieties that are blocking your expression of you unique gifts?  

~Jade/Yoni Egg - Are you curious about the jade egg, and how it can help you radiate beauty and vitality from the inside out, connect you deeply to your unique sexual joy and pleasure, and heal old patterns in your body of pain, tension, and sadness or even restore health to your pelvic floor strength and suppleness (including incontinence or restoring sexual health after a hysterectomy)? You don't need a partner to become a sexually energized and vibrant woman, AND this can add so much to your sexuality that your partner will benefit from as well...You can also check out the Yoni Yoga/Jade Egg training course listed as Option #4

~Men's Work Are you a man who is interested in men's work, relationship coaching, or learning about Neo-Tantra or sacred sexuality? Do you desire to heal patterns like premature ejaculation, erectile issues, having an unhealthy relationship to porn, or being put in the "friend zone", or feeling unsure of how to attract and connect with women that you are attracted to? Are you in a long-term partnership and are frustrated by the lack of sex, or are unsure of how to support your partner in HER sexual issues, or your sexual experience together? The fastest way to transforming your relationship is to take responsibility for your part and empower YOURSELF. Do you desire to explore your own sexual power and vitality and feel this flowing into all aspects of your life? Our men's coaches are deeply trained to guide and support you in realizing your goals and desires.

~Women's Sexuality & Deep Sexual Healing - Do you experience pain, numbness, sadness, or a lack of pleasure in intimate experiences? Do you resist being in a relationship, or feel disconnected from your own sexuality and sensual expression as a woman? Have you done therapy around past sexual trauma, but feel you still don't enjoy the pleasure, knowledge of your own sexuality, or ability to feel sexually free? Do you DESIRE to experience deeper-longer-multiple or more powerful orgasms or experience different kinds of orgasms (vaginal, g-spot, cervical, energetic orgasms) with yourself or with a partner?  Do you have any other burning desires or big blocks around sex, love and relationships? You are in the right place. These coaches will support YOUR journey into actualizing your deepest desires around your body and sexuality, and  help you transform your blocks into blessings...transformation and wholeness is always available, no matter your age or situation. 

~Couples & Relationship Coaching - Do you both desire to experience sacred sexuality, expanding and deepening the erotic connection and love between you and your partner? Do you love each other, but struggle with your sexual connection, or has your lovemaking been impacted by children, illness, stress, or simply time and familiarity? Do you have ingrained patterns of resentment and miscommunication that make it difficult to connect and move through your challenges into the safe loving connection you desire to create, or you once had? Reconnect your passion and deep connection with each other under the skillful guidance of our relationship coaches!

Option 5: 50€/$57 -(1 single session) 1 Hour 'Taste of Coaching' Discovery Call -value 170€/$200 (20 sessions available) *BEST DEAL - this is deeply discounted offer!
Get a taste of what I've been up to before I got sick! If you have something you REALLY WANT, and want some support to help you realise your desires, then this DEEPLY DISCOUNTED option is for you! In this call you'll get super clear on your desire/s, what's stopping you from having them, and some next steps. You also get to experience a particular coach you are interested in without a big financial commitment. You can even try several coaches if you want to experience a variety of approaches- and then move forward with a full package with the coach you like best. You will be AMAZED how powerful a single session can be to help you clarify and laser-in to your deepest desires and inspired goals! Truly transformational. 

Option 6: 700€/$806 (5) session coaching package valued at over 875€/$1010 (25 packages available) 
If you've had a taste (or you're just ready to dive straight in), this is for you. 5 sessions with your chosen coach to support you in realising your dreams. Or-tell us what area you want to work on and we can choose a coach for you! Be guided by a highly skilled coach through the inner and outer work needed to make your desires real. Super powerful, lasting transformation :) 

Option 7: 1000€/$1150 (6) Sessions Couples Coaching package valued at over 1300€/$1500 (1 package available)
As above - if, as a couple, you have something you REALLY WANT in your relationship - this is for you. More love? More connection? More fun, playfulness, adventure? Ways to deepen your ability to communicate? Want to build on your relationship to create an epic love affair together?

Option 8: 1300€/$1500 (10) session coaching package valued at over 1700€/$2000 (7 packages available)
This is the same as option 6, but you can go deeper as you'll be working with your coach for ten sessions instead of five. If you are someone who loves going deep and wants to give yourself the time and space to really get what you want, go for this option :)

These sessions are over Skype or Zoom, so you can be anywhere in the world, in the privacy and safety of your own home, at the convenience of your schedule. Check out the description for option 4 for some ideas of what you could work towards!

Option 9: 500€/$575 Dynamic Deliciousness - Foundations of Holistic Sexuality Lecture Series valued at over 550€/$633
This lecture series is 4hrs of recorded content + Live Guided Workshop (4hrs live) for a group of 4 people over a 4 week period. This Foundational Lecture and Workshop Series introduces students to frameworks for understanding the neuroscience of female arousal, the dynamic inner workings of the human nervous system, and the most fascinating and important aspects of female genital anatomy. Designed as an intro primer to holistic sexuality the lectures introduce the tools that every human has at their disposal and the workshop sessions provide students with an opportunity to be guided into an embodied understanding of how to use the tools. One participant described this series as the "birthright of every woman." Get some friends together and invest in yourselves :)

1. Choose the reward you'd like to receive.
2. Click the 'donate' button and donate the amount for that reward.
3. I will send you a thank you note, asking for your contact details, and:
3a. If you've chosen the meditation, which email address you would like it sent to.
3b. If you've chosen to ask Harmony a question, for your question and where you would like your response emailed to.
3c. If you've chosen a coaching package, for your location and the topic (share a few sentences from the possible themes/topics above under the coaching packages) you're interested in exploring, so I can match you with the coach who will be best for what you need.
4. You will receive your reward, and if you've chosen coaching, you will be contacted by your coach!

Click here to see who is offering transformation and how they can support you for supporting Angharad. You can also request a specific coach if someone resonates with you!

If you have ANY questions about these options or the coaches who've donated, feel free to email [email redacted] .

If this was a perfect world, I’d be receiving care NOW (actually if this was a perfect world, I wouldn't be sick at all), but unfortunately I’m in need of funds soon to be able to move forward with this care. If you feel moved, please donate soon.

I have so much gratitude for anyone reading this, and anyone who is willing to help, it touches me so deeply. THANK YOU, for reading, for listening, for giving. Know that when I am back on my feet, I will be paying your gifts forward a million times and more, because loving the world is who I am.

I love you.


P.S. If you could help me get the word out, I would so, so appreciate you sharing this page on Facebook and with anyone you feel would want to contribute. Thank you.

P.P.S. Because I'm usually too sick to spend lots of time doing strange alien things like thinking and being on the internet, my amazing friends Shelby and Ellen are managing this campaign. I am so beyond grateful to them and to the community of women who are coming together, offering their services to you, to support me get well. So if you see their names in emails and on this page, that's why!


  • Anonymous
    • €25
    • 6 yrs

Organizer and beneficiary

Shelby Leigh
Esporles, IB
Angharad Owen

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