Help Anri Transition
Anri (she/he/they) needs your support to transition!
Hi all! My sweet friend and chosen family member Anri is taking steps further into their transition, and they need community support to make it happen.
She's undergoing constructive hairline surgery, and the costs are considerable. His hairline is the part of his body that makes them the most dysphoric, and limits their ability in changing their gender presentation. She feels stuck, and knows she can't continue to discover her authentic self without taking this important first step.
Of course, this is not covered by insurance *AND* the office they're going to doesn't offer financing or credit card payments. All costs need to be paid for upfront, and we need community support to make it happen!
***Surgical costs: $6,000 (includes rides to and from procedure)
***Someone to stay awake/care for them for 24 hours (a requirement): 24 hrs x $20 dollars/hour = $480
***Meals: two days of meals $100
TOTAL: $6,580
Anri believes in mutual aid, white peoples' responsibility to pay reparations. While they're unable to cover the costs of this procedure up front, they are committed to redistributing the same amount of money (about $6,500) to mutual aid efforts in the next 5 years.
If there are any excess raised funds, Anri will donate them directly to community members who are in need of mutual aid and transitions funds.