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Help Antonio’s family during this tragic time

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My name is Kelly and I am raising money for my in laws. On February 14th at about 5:00 a family member of ours was driving home from work in Vancouver, WA. He called his family to let them know he was on his way home from work. He took his normal route from HWY 14 to I-205S towards Portland. While crossing the Glenn Jackson Bridge he lost control of his car on the ice. Due to the snow plows the snow got pushed to the barriers and created a ramp like effect.  According to witnesses the bridge was completely plowed until out of no where the plowing stopped with no notice to any drivers in the far right lane. unfortunately he was unable to move over to avoid the snow embankment, drove up the snowy embankment and went straight into the icy Columbia River. Crews have not been able to find his vehicle or his body due to the dangerous river situation. He was an amazing and loving husband, father, son, grandpa, brother and friend. He leaves behind his wife and kids and his grandkids. Antonio was the main provider for his family.  He will be missed greatly. Please share or donate to help this family recover and have time to mourn the loss of an amazing man. I will continue to update this story as we receive more information. I have set up Antonio's daughter Abi Amaro as the beneficiary to receive any funds to help with any costs they may have so they can properly grieve. #findantonioamaro

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Kelly Brown
Vancouver, WA
Abi Amaro

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