I have started this fundraiser because at the moment too many people seem to have forgotten that WE SHOULD BE HELPING ARE OWN FIRST!!
All money will be used to help ARE OWN
It's time to help ARE OWN or have they been forgotten about! What about them? It's a disgrace - Corben should resign in shame.
Cheers, Simon AKA Man Behaving Dadly
NOTE: For the purposes of this appeal, 'ARE OWN' refers explicitly to Afghan families who are currently being resettled in the United Kingdom. This is because a lot of them risked their lives to help our armed forces and government officials with translation, interpreting and other tasks during the last twenty years, and to be honest even if they didn't, the United Kingdom may have had the teeniest, tiniest, weeniest role to play in this whole sh*tshow.
More than £3,000 has already been raised on my Facebook page here, and this is going to Community Agents Essex who will be working closely with Afghan families arriving in the county. This will help ensure that they have everything that they need for a comfortable and dignified new start. Any further funds will be distributed to the same organisation and any others who are in need of urgent support.