Help ash secure housing after leaving abusive home
Donation protected
My name is Ash, I am a queer, non-binary person with disabilities, and I am freshly 18 as of April 2021. I have left an abusive living situation with my mother in an emergency, leaving behind all of my furniture, to live in a different state so as to put enough distance between myself and my abusive family members for the sake of my safety and mental well-being. This is the hardest decision I have ever had to make, and I am left with nothing but whatever items I could fit in garbage bags and stuff in my boyfriend's car.
I will need assistance with fees for things like my psychiatric medications, getting saved up for an apartment or house with my boyfriend, and fees for replacing my birth certificate and social security card. I have less than 200 dollars to my name and have left all of my valuables at my former home in Tennessee.
My back story:
I was born into an extremely toxic, dysfunctional family, in which both of my biological parents were addicts and repeat criminals. When my biological mother was pregnant with me, she committed a robbery that landed her in jail shortly after I was born, so I was placed in the care of my biological father and his family. These people all made and sold Meth and other drugs, and I suffered continual abuse and neglect until I was placed in the custody of Child Protective Services at 20 months old. Shortly after, they located my biological grandmother on my mother's side, who took me in. I was cared for by her and raised by her, but she has always been abusive towards me, even as a child. I endured increasingly worse emotional, verbal, and physical abuse over the years, not only from her, but from other family members as well, all while she watched and actively participated in traumatizing me.
When I was seven years old, my grandmother, who I will call "mom" from here on, as she has always been my mother figure, moved us in with my uncle and his wife and two daughters. We lived with them from 2010 to 2015, moving to a different house about halfway through this time period. While I was living in these households, I suffered regular beatings and scolding from my uncle, with nobody to stick up for me but my cousins. My mother usually abused me verbally and psychologically/emotionally, but occasionally put her hands on me as well.
In January of 2013, we all moved into the second house we lived in together, with six of us living in a two bedroom house. It was a very uncomfortable and hostile environment, and this was only made worse when my mom was involved in a near fatal vehicle accident in June of 2013. The accident was so severe that it broke almost every bone in the left half of her body, put her in a coma for 22 days, and left me alone with my physically abusive uncle. She eventually came to, but with severe brain damage and permanent physical disabilities from the injuries she sustained during the accident. This time of my life was extremely traumatic, causing me to develop symptoms of severe PTSD at the age of ten. After her accident, I was forced into the caretaker position, being the only person who was willing to assist my mom in her recovery. I stayed with her after every surgery and procedure, cleaned and dressed severe wounds, bathed her, fed her, and assisted her with using the bathroom and taking care of herself otherwise from the age of ten. She slowly physically recovered, but is still disabled with mobility issues and an amputated left arm. This caused her to become very heavily dependent on me, and me alone, as her support system for almost half of my life.
I love and care for my mom more than I could ever express with words, but the entire time I have been caring for her, she has been extremely abusive. I have always been looked down on and treated as less than by my family members, as they all hold a lot of anger towards my biological mother that they consistently project and take out on me. I was a punching bag for the adults in my family, specifically my uncle and my mom growing up. I have always been mocked, ridiculed, and put in danger by the adults in my family, as were my siblings and cousins. I suffered the most severe abuse from my mom, with her hitting me, yelling at me, belittling me, and publicly humiliating me from the time I was a small child. There were times where I was punished for small mistakes and mishaps that any child could get into with very cruel and unfair punishments. From the time I was about 10, I was regularly threatened with being kicked out if I upset her, and there were times that she actually made me believe I was being abandoned again, just to see the way it affected me.
My entire adolescence was abuse and mistreatment, and left me suffering from severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, and severe sleep issues. On 5/14/2021 I packed up as many of my things as I could and threw them in my boyfriend's car and left to go home with him to Ohio. I am left with none of my belongings, and I am currently searching for work, but will need money to get on my feet and figure out how I'm going to make it away from home. Any donations or shares are appreciated <3
My name is Ash, I am a queer, non-binary person with disabilities, and I am freshly 18 as of April 2021. I have left an abusive living situation with my mother in an emergency, leaving behind all of my furniture, to live in a different state so as to put enough distance between myself and my abusive family members for the sake of my safety and mental well-being. This is the hardest decision I have ever had to make, and I am left with nothing but whatever items I could fit in garbage bags and stuff in my boyfriend's car.
I will need assistance with fees for things like my psychiatric medications, getting saved up for an apartment or house with my boyfriend, and fees for replacing my birth certificate and social security card. I have less than 200 dollars to my name and have left all of my valuables at my former home in Tennessee.
My back story:
I was born into an extremely toxic, dysfunctional family, in which both of my biological parents were addicts and repeat criminals. When my biological mother was pregnant with me, she committed a robbery that landed her in jail shortly after I was born, so I was placed in the care of my biological father and his family. These people all made and sold Meth and other drugs, and I suffered continual abuse and neglect until I was placed in the custody of Child Protective Services at 20 months old. Shortly after, they located my biological grandmother on my mother's side, who took me in. I was cared for by her and raised by her, but she has always been abusive towards me, even as a child. I endured increasingly worse emotional, verbal, and physical abuse over the years, not only from her, but from other family members as well, all while she watched and actively participated in traumatizing me.
When I was seven years old, my grandmother, who I will call "mom" from here on, as she has always been my mother figure, moved us in with my uncle and his wife and two daughters. We lived with them from 2010 to 2015, moving to a different house about halfway through this time period. While I was living in these households, I suffered regular beatings and scolding from my uncle, with nobody to stick up for me but my cousins. My mother usually abused me verbally and psychologically/emotionally, but occasionally put her hands on me as well.
In January of 2013, we all moved into the second house we lived in together, with six of us living in a two bedroom house. It was a very uncomfortable and hostile environment, and this was only made worse when my mom was involved in a near fatal vehicle accident in June of 2013. The accident was so severe that it broke almost every bone in the left half of her body, put her in a coma for 22 days, and left me alone with my physically abusive uncle. She eventually came to, but with severe brain damage and permanent physical disabilities from the injuries she sustained during the accident. This time of my life was extremely traumatic, causing me to develop symptoms of severe PTSD at the age of ten. After her accident, I was forced into the caretaker position, being the only person who was willing to assist my mom in her recovery. I stayed with her after every surgery and procedure, cleaned and dressed severe wounds, bathed her, fed her, and assisted her with using the bathroom and taking care of herself otherwise from the age of ten. She slowly physically recovered, but is still disabled with mobility issues and an amputated left arm. This caused her to become very heavily dependent on me, and me alone, as her support system for almost half of my life.
I love and care for my mom more than I could ever express with words, but the entire time I have been caring for her, she has been extremely abusive. I have always been looked down on and treated as less than by my family members, as they all hold a lot of anger towards my biological mother that they consistently project and take out on me. I was a punching bag for the adults in my family, specifically my uncle and my mom growing up. I have always been mocked, ridiculed, and put in danger by the adults in my family, as were my siblings and cousins. I suffered the most severe abuse from my mom, with her hitting me, yelling at me, belittling me, and publicly humiliating me from the time I was a small child. There were times where I was punished for small mistakes and mishaps that any child could get into with very cruel and unfair punishments. From the time I was about 10, I was regularly threatened with being kicked out if I upset her, and there were times that she actually made me believe I was being abandoned again, just to see the way it affected me.
My entire adolescence was abuse and mistreatment, and left me suffering from severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, and severe sleep issues. On 5/14/2021 I packed up as many of my things as I could and threw them in my boyfriend's car and left to go home with him to Ohio. I am left with none of my belongings, and I am currently searching for work, but will need money to get on my feet and figure out how I'm going to make it away from home. Any donations or shares are appreciated <3
marcy henderson
Cincinnati, OH