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Help Ashley and Tony's Vegas Dream Trip

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This gofundme is for Ashley and Tony. They recently received tickets to go to the When You Were Young fest in Vegas and we want to help them with the travel and hotel funds. As you know, this past year Tony has been battling stage 4 pancreatic cancer and we want to give them a vacation with a memory that will last a lifetime. Help us achieve this for them, because they are the most deserving of this trip


  • Bethany Finta
    • $50
    • 15 hrs
  • Echo Durant
    • $100
    • 22 hrs
  • Kathy Jones
    • $75
    • 3 d
  • Melissa Moorer
    • $75
    • 14 d
  • Shani Schneider
    • $100
    • 14 d


Alex Reik
Columbus, OH

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