Help Ashley Recover From Brain Surgery.
Ashley Selby is 20 years old and has touched many lives around her with her quiet smile and big heart. Some may know her as the pretty young lady who has helped them at Wal-Mart in Ozark where she has worked for several years.
For approximately two weeks, Ashley has been suffering from debilitating migraines. Pain medication gave her little to no relief. Her primary physician sent her to a neurologist who diagnosed her with migraines and sent her home with pain medications and steroids. A few days later on March 26, 2020, Ashley ended up in the emergency room. She was given a CT scan. This is when they discovered a large mass on the right side of her brain.
She was then transported to Mercy Medical Center in Ft.Smith where they have scheduled her for brain surgery on Tuesday.
Ashley will have a long recovery ahead of her. She most likely will lose some or all the feeling on her left side. Hopefully with physical therapy she will recover fully. Depending on the results of the biopsy, she may have other treatments ahead as well.
We would ask for your support in allowing Ashley and her family to focus on Ashley’s recovery without worries of where money is going to come from for medical bills and basic living expenses.
Please give what you can, anything helps and will be greatly appreciated. Share with you friends via email, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.