Hi! My name is Donique and I just finished my first year of medical school online. Two weeks ago, myself and 8 other classmates came to volunteer at a small community in Ghana. The purpose of this trip was to aid the clinics in a medical aspect, but upon arrival we realized that they were severely undersupplied.
The two clinics that we spent most of our time in did not have gloves and would use trash bags over their hands or nothing at all — even when dealing with severe cases.
As volunteers, we brought supplies to be donated, however, we had to use most of it in order to cater to the community’s needs. We also personally donated almost $1000 to buy Malaria testing kits and treatment for the surrounding schools since rural areas do not receive frequent testing despite their high reinfection rates!
With this donation we were able to test almost 800 children and treat all 48% that tested positive!
Although we were only able to volunteer for two weeks, we knew that there was more we could do to have a lasting impact in this community. This led us to start our GoFundMe campaign in order to raise money to purchase supplies that are desperately needed for the clinics and schools.
A small donation of just $40 could provide treatment for up to a two hundred and forty children! I am asking you to consider donating so that we can continue the work we started in this community.
We all thank you in advance for your consideration!