Help Axe Valley Mens Shed support the community
Hi, we are Axe Valley Mens Shed who are part of a global organisation of men. We are a community of men within the Axe Valley area, from all walks of life, trades, professions and backgrounds. Where men can gather together within a "shed" like environment and can talk and participate in a number of projects and activities, or none at all. Mens Shed was founded to help reduce loneliness and potential mental health issues amongst men and also to have somewhere to go for a chat and participate in the various community based projects.
Currently we have taken on the the restoration of the old Axbridge Railway Station, which was opened in 1869 but was closed in 1964. In the intervening years from it has been used for various community uses, but is now unused and has fallen into a state of disrepair. Axe Valley Mens Shed has undertaken the task of restoring the station and renovating it for potential general community use. There are many issues with the station before it can be returned to the benefit of the community, such as providing wheel chair access, restoring the general fabric of the building, upgrading the electrical service, installing a workshop etc. This will require considerable funding and any amount would be welcome to enable us to carry out the necessary work.
We also have an area of land nearby where we have created a community orchard and where we grow food that is given to the community, such as the food bank as well as been distributed to the general community.
There have been a number of projects and services that we have undertaken and provide. We were involved with Axbridge's pageant in the summer of 2023, a member of the Shed carved the sceptre that is now used by Axbridge council, we produce signs using our laser engraver, made bird houses, etc as well as providing a friendly environment for a cup of tea and a chat.
We are very informal and if you'd like to visit us, you can find our details on our website Ave Valley Mens Shed

Mark Parnell