Urgent: Help Basmah and her family flee the war
Donation protected
Hi, I’m Basmah Ahmed Shaladan from Gaza Strip, Despite feeling ashamed, I’m writing this message after frequency and confusion.
The fear forced me to tell you that I’m living a war of genocide for more than 5 months. Many times, I displaced with my family after destroying our house and we escaped from death to many places. I still fear losing any family member during our journey of displacement and suffering, there is no safety in any place in Gaza. We lost everything, our house - health- jobs - education- dreams and future.

I graduated last September of 2023, and I started to pursue my goals and ambitions, I was about to get a new job, and then start studying for a master's, but the war destroyed companies, institutions, hospitals, universities, schools, and everything. There is no longer hope for me to build a new future here.

My little sisters Lilian (11 years old) and Siwar (7 years old) are two young girls full of energy and innocence. Lost their childhood six months ago due to the war, they are crying every night from the sounds of artillery shelling, asking if their innocent dreams of returning to school and normal life became impossible. Searching for food and clean water for our family in areas where the prices have gone out of control, makes the situation worse. We cook our food on firewood because gas has become a luxury that is not available.

My little sister Lillian, suffering from chronic chest allergy, she can’t sleep at night due to the lack of treatment, and because we have lost her treatment device in our house that has booming from the first two weeks of the war, she needs treatment outside, in light of the spread of epidemics and diseases in the war, before her condition gets worse.

I never expected in my entire life to ask for something like this or financial assistance from anyone. However, the current situation is insane and catastrophic, with each of us needing funds to escape this nightmare and cross borders, costing $5,000-$7,000. Now, I have no choices, so I created a Gofundme link to appeal your humanity to support me and survive with my family.

This fundraiser is the last resort for me to help us flee the war and be reunited with them. Your contribution means a-lot for us. Also, it means compassion and solidarity for justice and preserving human lives. Any donation from you will save our lives.

I thank and appreciate your support and I hope that God keep you in peace in your countries.
For me and my family..
With gratitude,
مرحباً للجميع،،
أنا بسمه شلدان من قطاع غزة، عمري ٢٢، رغم شعوري بالخجل اضطررت لأكتب هذه الرسالة بعد حيرة وتردد شديدين.
الخوف الذي نعيشه هنا منذ خمسة أشهرٍ دفعني لأخبركم أننا نعيش هنا تحت حرب إبادة جماعية، نزحت فيها أنا وعائلتي عدة مرات بعد تدمير منزلنا وحيينا بالكامل وهربنا من الموت من حي إلى آخر ثم من مدينة إلى أخرى داخل القطاع، والآن لم يعد هناك مكاناً آمناً في غزة، لقد فقدنا الكثير، منزلنا، صحتنا، وظائفنا، تعليمنا، مستقبلنا، وحتى أحلامنا. ولازلت أخشى فقدان أيٍّ من أفراد عائلتي بسبب رحلة النزوح والمعاناة التي لا تنتهي.
والآن لم يعد أمامي خيار آخر، وبسبب الوضع الكارثي التي تمر بها البلاد أثناء الحرب أنشأت رابط gofundme لأستعطف انسانيتكم لتساعدونني وتدعمونني في إنقاذ نفسي وإنقاذ عائلتي من الحرب.
نحن ٧ أفراد، وتكلفة الخروج من قطاع غزة وعبور الحدود للفرد الواحد تتراوح من ٥،٠٠٠$-7،٠٠٠$، وآمُل أن تساعدونني في تغطية مبالغ السفر هذه. أيُ تبرعٍ منكم سيساهم في مساعدتنا وسيكون له تأثير كبير في إنقاذنا.
أقدر لكم جميعاً دعمكم ومساعدتكم لنا، وأتمنى لكم من الله أن يحفظكم بسلام في أوطانكم.
لأجلي وأجل عائلتي..
محدثتكم بسمه.
Here I will share you how the funds will be spent :
Permits and crossing fees 30,000$ ( in range 5,000$ per every family member).
Travel expenses from Gaza to Egypt ( rent, food and other necessities) costs 3,000$.
Go fund me fees 1,500$
Ahmed Daher
Aarschot, VLG