Help Bentley Change Lives Through Animal Welfare
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Bentley Siems is raising money to supply food for animals in need through Pawportunities Animal Welfare Services to celebrate his 18th birthday and the 5 year anniversary of the animal rescue he founded. In the short 5 years they have saved over 4000 animals in need. Any money donated beyond the funds needed for food will be used for spay/neuter and medical services for local animals.
For those who don’t know his story, Pawportunities Animal Welfare services, a 501c3 non-profit was founded by Bentley Siems when he was 13 years old. He was a Broadcom M.A.S.T.E.R.S. top 30 finalist for a middle school science fair project. The take away knowledge from that experience was those kids were capable of changing the world they live in. Bentley took his $500 consolation prize and invested it into two black kittens off Craigslist - the inception of Pawportunities.
Today is Bentleys 18th birthday. It’s hard to put into words everything I want to say, and give this journey justice. To be honest, Bentley was a challenging child to parent. He suffers from 5 of the 7 types of anxiety to the point of occasional debilitation from it. He has been depressed. He’s intellectually gifted, while at the opposite end of the autism spectrum, still comes with the same social awkwardness. Social cues, reading emotions, picking up on body language, are not skills that come easy for him. His interests have also never been similar to his peers. As his mother, I have learned to adapt my expectations. I’ve learned to understand my sadness from his lack of birthday party invitations, doesn’t equate his sadness over the same situation. It wasn’t something that interested him. However, that doesn’t make social awkwardness any less taxing on him. Humans have an innate ability to want to fit in with their peers. Many internalize reasons why they don’t, or ask why are they different.
As a parent I felt isolated and alone with our experience. This was incredibly difficult to navigate, but in hindsight I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have learned more about life, understanding people, and giving back from my child than any one/thing else. It’s ok to be different. You don’t have to follow society’s expected norms, if that’s not what your heart wants. To accept people for exactly who they are, without placing any expectations on them. The silent or different are likely those who need help most. Age should never be a factor in what can be accomplished.
It’s these lessons that have paved the path forward for Pawportunities mission of changing lives through animal welfare. Pawportunities works closely with the Alternative Innovative Middle School program through BSSD. This is a group of kids that don’t perform well in the traditional school setting for a variety of reasons, most of them emotional. The pilot year of the program Pawportunities used animals with varying backgrounds to help breakdown the emotional barriers of these students. Hearing about a story that is similar to theirs, eases the capability of a child to talk about their own experiences, without necessarily talking directly about their experiences. It allows the ability to hide behind the experience of the animals, while still talking about tough topics. The impact this had on these students was profound. Some students had never felt the unconditional love an animal gives, the lack of judgement, pure joy just to spend time with you. Some people never experience those things at home, yet it’s paramount to their self worth and value.
I’ve spoken to countless classrooms encouraging kids to know they are capable of creating change, regardless of their age. Pawportunities was never about Bentley saving animals. It’s about a child that wanted to create change, a family that supported it, and a community that embraced it. Empowering kids and giving them a purpose can change their entire demeanor. You don’t have to wait for “someday” to do something meaningful, you can do that today. If nobody else believes in you, believe in yourself. What are you passionate about? What do you think should change? How can those things be changed? Often times children see the world in a more simplistic manner, and solutions don’t have to be over complicated.
Bentley is a typical child in that his involvement with the rescue has waxed and waned over the years. He’s had over a thousand animals come through the doors of our home, and I’m sure he’s over it. He has been involved in the boots on the ground aspect of it. But that’s not where his heart lies. He is a problem solver and visionary. He’s involved in rescue discussions over family dinner, and big picture planning. As his 18th birthday has been approaching, we’ve discussed it being the time where he can now legally have a seat at the table with our board of directors. He has fully embraced this idea, and has impressed us with his continual ideas for improvement and growth. It seems especially fitting his time to become a board member coincides near the five year mark of Pawportunities first rescue animals.
So happy birthday Bentley! We couldn’t be more proud of you. You have a compassionate and empathetic heart. You help those that need it most. You are a kind soul. You have made your father and I better people. You have changed the lives of countless others through what we have learned through experiences from you. The world is truly a better place because of you.
Jeff Siems
Blue Springs, MO
Pawportunities Inc.