Help Bledin with “ Spinal Cord Injury”. Të Ndihmojmë Bledin.
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Hi, my name is Armira and I am fundraising for my cousin Kleidi (Bledi ) Allushi ,to support with his health care because it is impossible for him to afford the treatment of spinal cord injury without help .
At the age of 31 , In August 2021 he had an accident and was left paralysed by being unable to walk or move his hand to feed himself , therefore is his mother with special needs and retired father who are taking care of him.
This is the only hope remained for him to improve and cope with everyday life, for that he needs to undergo a surgery with the treatment of “Epidural Electrical Stimulation”.
Although he lives in Albania the treatment needs to be carried in private care in Turkey with all the expenses covered by his family , but they are unable to cover the whole cost of the surgery and the aftercare package on their own.
The donations collected will be used to pay for his treatment ( Epidural Electrical Stimulation) , the stay in Turkey hospital to follow up with physiotherapy after the surgery, ongoing medication which he will need and expenses during his stay in hospital.
How can you help?
• By donating and sharing the link with family and friends, so we can reach the goal.
Every little donation will be much appreciated by his family.Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Pershendetje , une jam Armira dhe kam hapur kete llogari ne GoFundMe per te mbledhur fonde per kursheririn tim Kleidi ( Bledi) Allushi.
Ai ishte 31 vjec kur fatkeqesisht pesoi nje aksident ne gusht te vitit 2021 , ku si pasoje mbeti I paralizuar ne 4 gjymtyret.
Që nga ajo dite Bledi nuk ka qen ne gjendje te ece apo te ushqehet me duart e tij, dhe si pasoje personat qe duhet te kujdesen per te jan; mamaja me aftësi të kufizuara dhe babai pensionist.
Bledi-t i duhet te kryeje nje operim me trajtim “ Epidural Electrical Stimulation” ne shtyllen kurrizore , gje qe do te mundesoje permiresimin e jeteses se tij.
Kjo eshte e vetmja shprese per Bledin per te provuar mundesite per tju kthyer normalitetit.
Operimi dhe trajtimi do te kryhen ne Turqi. Shpenzimet e operimit dhe qendrimit ne spital do te sponsorizohen nga familja por ato e kane te pamundur ta perballojne gjithe shumen e nevojitur.
Donacionet e mbledhura do te perdoren per te paguar shpenzimet e trajtimit me “ Epidural Electrical Stimulation” ne shtyllen kurrizore, trajtimit me fizioterapi qe i nevojitet pas operimit, mjekimit te vazhdueshem dhe shpenzimet gjate qendrimit ne spital ne Turqi.
Si mund të ndihmoni?
• Duke kontribuar dhe shperndare linkun me familjare e miq.
Per cdo kontribut te dhuruar familja e tij ju falenderon pa masë.
Zoti jua shperblefte dhe faleminderit paraprakisht.
Armira Cani