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Help Bradley Fight Stage 5 Kidney Disease!

Spende geschützt
This campaign is for support in helping Bradley during this difficult time. Recently, Bradley lost his mother and within a few weeks was also diagnosed with stage five kidney disease. He is in need of financial assistance for medical expenses and treatment.

Bradley is facing a double tragedy and has a long road ahead, including dialysis and potentially a kidney transplant. The cost of these treatments and medications can add up quickly and we want to do everything we can to support him during this time.

We are asking for donations to help cover the cost of Bradley's medical expenses, as well as to help alleviate some of the financial burden this tragedy has caused. Every little bit helps, and any amount you can give will be greatly appreciated.

Bradley has always been there for us, and now it's our turn to be there for him. We are so grateful for any support you can provide. Thank you in advance for your generosity.


Dawn Agar
Long Beach, MS

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